• David C.

    Airtimes Suavidad Ejectors

    Some of the most insane ejector I have ever felt, especially the sustained ejector on those 3 camelbacks. Pacing is fantastic and it's perfectly smooth the whole way through. The inversions are also very unique and there's plenty of cool headchoppers too.

  • David C.

    Airtimes Comodidad Hangtime Tematización

    This ride has a fantastic layout that offers a great and well-rounded mix of forces, including launches, hangtime, airtime, positives, and even weightlessness. The swing launch is masterful and the backwards ejector airtime hill is unreal, those are definitely the highlights of the ride for me.

  • David C.

    Tematización Launch Obra maestra

    Easily one of the best coasters ever made. This ride is an absolute masterpiece and showcases Intamin/Universal at their peak. The first half is well-themed with some great inversions, headchoppers, and airtime moments. The second half is somehow even better, starting off with an insane launch and going into some of the most well-executed elements ever, including a top hat, zero-G stall, and the iconic Mosasaurus roll. Velocicoaster is nothing short of perfection and deserves a 10/10 rating.