• Samuel Deck

    Abschuss Spaß Dauer

    Einfach unfassbar

  • Jonas Möller

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Spaß

    Hinten deutlich intensiver. Ein Klassiker von 1980. Immer noch gut.

  • Jonas Möller

    Kapazität Rütteln Unangenehm

    Macht eigentlich Spaß ist aber sehr unangenehm wegen der schlechten und zu engen Sitze.

  • Julian Pergande

    Inversionen Abschuss Airtimes Intensität

    Könnte auch Star Trek: Operation Forceless heißen!

  • Julian Pergande

    Airtimes Inversionen Layout

    Sehr abwechslungsreiches Layout mit vielen Inversionen und Airtime-Momenten

  • Julian Pergande

    Airtimes Inversionen Meisterwerk

    Absolut phänomenale Achterbahn mit vielen Inversionen, viel Airtime und einem guten Drop

  • Flurin S.

    Alpenexpress was never the best ride at the park, however my personal favorite moment was the dip into the darker part of the cave. Since this version does no longer have that cave it will rank lower than the OG. Shame, Might have been better to put something new and innovative rather than simply replacing an already kind of boring and dated coaster.

  • Flurin S.

    Meisterwerk Ejectors Dauer Rütteln

    Hard to choose tags on this as it deserved almost all the pros that are available. Not only is this ride a fantastic coaster (and finally a true stand out ride for europapark) but also a massive technological flex for mack rides from an engineering standpoint. Shame the outside seats are kind of rattly but this seems to be a common problem with big dippers (or strykers in this case)

  • MrJoseffffffffff

    First Drop Spaß Headbanging Airtimes

    Macht echt Spass,durch das alte Griechenland zu marschieren,und dann die Megaachterbahn,wer ganz vorne sitzt wird zweimal nass,Und was unseren Mädels am meisten gefallen hat,war es,an der Plattform Poseidondusche,sich komplett drunter zu stellen,voll bekleidet in langer Jeans,samt Sneakers und Socken, für die Mädels das reinste Vergnügen! Das beste Erlebnis bei 35 Grad

  • Joseph D.

    Airtimes Sanftheit Layout

    Griffon is the quintessential dive coaster- really good from either first or second row because you kinda hang there staring down at the drop to come before being released. Both the first drop/turn sequence and the slightly smaller second drop are great, I don't think the second drop is pointless or disappointing in comparison to the first. It is not quite long enough and has essentially has only one note throughout, but it does a great job with what its good at (dive). Surprisingly I ended up being more and more satisfied with Griffon as time in the park progressed because it allows the rider to pick and choose exactly which type of thrill/element/coaster they feel like experiencing at the time.