• Gunner S.

    Airtimes Hangtime Reliability

    The operations of this ride are just terrible. We were forced to leave the line and come back three times because of extended delays every time we were in line. This could very well be clouding my judgement, but VelociCoaster just didn't live up to the hype for me. Still a fun ride, super glad I got to ride it, but it wasn't nearly as spectacular or original as other people seem to think it is, for me. There were a lot of great elements, but I probably won't make the trip again unless Universal gets tons of new coasters.

  • Ben Dev

    Fun Airtimes

    eh it was aight

  • Danielle Pluzsik


    Nice laterals for a kiddie credit.

  • Chermaine S.

    Lap Bar Pace Duration

    This ride is fast. Like really, REALLY fast. Flying so close to the ground is amazing. The overbank provides some great positives. The hills provide some nice floater to flojector airtime. Besides that overbank and airtime hills, Millie doesn't really have any standout elements. This ride is really all about the speed, which it is very good at. Overall a great ride that I'd love to ride over and over again!

  • James Fletcher

    Theming Intensity Duration

    Delivered on what I expected, but it's very dependent on where you are sat. The front is the best for airtime (not a lot, but there are 2 good moments) and the back is intense in terms of positive G's. The middle is still fun, but nothing world class, the front or back is definitely where it's at. It's get extra points for being one of the best themed coasters in the world.

  • Chermaine S.

    Just your standard wacky worm. At least the train is in the shape of the parks mascot.

  • Chermaine S.

    Smoothness Airtimes Dead spots

    It is smooth, but the ride is just boring. Pacing issues and dead spots. No airtime at all.

  • Chermaine S.

    Headbanging Theming Harness

    Ah yes, old school Vekoma. Headbanging incoming. Also this ride looks like it will fall apart any moment, I did not really feel safe.

  • trec ccst

    Theming Comfort Fun

    i think this coaster definitely puts the "thrill" in family thrill. for me, this ride tends to switch between 3.5-4.5 depending on the kinda spinning you're getting, but usually the spinning is really good, especially in the back. if you're facing up or down for the helix, even better. it's also surprisingly intense (for a coaster of this calibre) and fast. easy best coaster at the park. love it always

  • trec ccst

    Theming Inversions Masterpiece

    i feel like there's a certain point where a rollercoaster feels less like a thrill ride and more like euphoria. that said, i think ride to *happiness* is an extremely fitting name for this coaster. so much happens during the whole experience that it's very difficult to put into words, but i can try my best... the jojo roll straight out of the station is an extremely solid start especially since you're probably not facing forward for most of it. you're kinda just orbiting. i'm glad that it pauses for a moment before launching to give you a second to process that, before the actual ride begins. because seriously once the ride starts it doesn't really stop until the brakes at the end hit. the first launch hits, the music is blaring, you rise up into that extremely precarious turn-around, into a huge drop. now it *really* picks up, with a banana roll, loop and zero-g roll, all in a row. so that wasn't enough, so after a nice turn, you dive into the second launch, which doubles as an airtime hill, straight into a step-up under flip, which is probably one of the most ridiculous elements i've ever experienced. in the front, you blaze right through the first roll and it's stupidly intense, while the back gets dragged coming back down. the music is ramping up more, now it's snappy airtime and overbanks before you hit the brake run. finally breathe. trying to process everything that happens in this ride sitting on the brakes was borderline impossible. i had high expectations, and they were smashed to disrepair. this is without a doubt the best rollercoaster i've ever ridden and it would take a LOT for something to beat it. oh and by the way, i was really worried about getting sick on this thing, but it really didn't make you feel sick at all. the spinning isn't super fast, i'd describe it more like orbiting. the whole ride feels more like a slow orbit than, say, the aggressive spinning on dragons fury.