• go go

    First Drop Nette Überraschung! Komfort Rütteln

    Très bon Coaster !! J'ai été très surpris par ce Wooden, malgré une file d'attente interminable (30m dit, attendu 1h30). La première drop est juste incroyable !! Un environement parfait (avec Blue Fire), un bon layout et de bon air time ! Il vibre quand même pas mal mais le fun et la vitesse enlève cette mauvaise chose.

  • Mathieu Cvl

    First Drop Nette Überraschung! Spaß Zu kurz

    Timber est une attraction familiale très dynamique et agréable à rider.

  • B West

    Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz Airtimes

    Somehow in my top 5 coasters on property. Tons of fun from a lifelong Toy Story fan.

  • B West

    Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm Reißt es ab! Dead spots

    The only good part about this ride is riding millennium flyer trains without a seatbelt

  • B West

    Inversionen Standort Spaß Unangenehm

    Its an old Arrow so its jank but its also really cool and fun

  • B West

    Spaß Kapazität Layout

    Just sort of meanders around and isn't worth more than a 20 minute wait

  • B West

    Inversionen Intensität Dauer Dead spots Layout

    This ride is awesome and is a blueprint on what B&M should do on their inverts in the modern era of coasters. It has a lot of filler but I can forgive that for the intensity of the rest of the ride

  • B West

    First Drop Kapazität Spaß Zu kurz Dead spots

    My phone autocorrects this ride to "Shakira" every time I try and type Shakira

  • B West

    Inversionen Meisterwerk Intensität Rütteln

    This ride is everything B&M does right with their coasters. They make this and pump out nothing but junk for years to come afterwards. Its a shame this ride's life will come to an end soon but I will enjoy it until then

  • B West

    Dauer Reißt es ab! Irrelevant Dead spots

    Overrated and boring coaster in an identity crisis. Do you want to be a thrill coaster with inversions? Do you want to be a graceful family coaster? Do you want to have both sides of the station open? Do you want the water pit to be on? So many unanswered questions from a ride that is still a 6/10.