• Eleanor Davies

    Thematisierung Schoßbügel Spaß Dead spots Intensität

    This had some lovely theming, with a scare maze type trip through the corridor before and after the coaster. Shame the scary adult theming is wasted on a slow, family friendly rollercoaster. A wasted opportunity. Still, a fun experience and worth a re-ride.

  • BonkersCoasters

    Thematisierung Tempo Intensität Rütteln Kapazität

    Wow, what an experience! The theming inside the queue is so cool that it distracts from the slow moving queue, but it gets even better! There is a nice pre show before you board, although seating selection is random. The ride has a vertical lift hill inside this giant castle tower where you climb up with a comfy lap bar, except you freefall backwards! You twist down an incredible vertical drop full of ejector airtime into a non inverting sea serpent roll which provides amazing positives, airtime and laterals! There are a few fast banked turns which have amazing whip as well as 2 powerful airtime hills full of ejector! Every twist and turn is paced perfectly which makes them feel like they aren't boring. You think the ride is over, but it throws in a really slow heartline roll to add excitement! There's a noticeable rattle, however it's fine for a Gerstlauer. The Oath of Kärnan is an absolute masterpiece which shouldn't be missed!

  • BonkersCoasters

    Layout Ejectors Hangtime Kapazität

    Taiga is an absolutely brilliant ride! It includes 2 great launches, powerful ejector airtime moments, high intensity, great pacing and whip through twists, fantastic hangtime filled inversions, one of the most beautiful and comfortable trains created by Intamin and nice theming with a great soundtrack! All of these great things form a ride experience like no other with a beautiful layout, and don't forget the great location on a hillside! Only problem really is operations aren't amazing. Definitely worth travelling to Linnanmäki and Finland in general just to experience this coaster.

  • Brendan L.

    Rütteln Reißt es ab! Irrelevant

    Hilariously terrible. Maybe I sat on a bad wheel seat or something, but this ride was rougher than any other coaster I've ever been on. The layout is stupid and the only airtime I got was being flung up by the ride's jackhammering. Still though, I had a smile when getting off simply because of how flabbergasted I was of how rough it was. Worse than time warp

  • Coaster Nut

    Spaß Layout Rütteln

    This was my first "big" coaster when I rode it as a kid. It scared me to death. After all these years, it still holds up pretty well. The helix at the end has gotten pretty rough, though.

  • hctel f.

    Airtimes Komfort Layout Rütteln Schoßbügel

    Un coaster très nuancé : Il a un bon layout mais il vibre comme pas possible (surtout dans le bas de la drop) et il a à certains endroits des airtimes très fun quand ils ne sont pas gâchés par la lap-bar horrible (ne la serrez pas trop d'ailleurs et retenez-la bien pour éviter qu'elle se resserre pendant le ride). Les trains sont cependant de véritables canapés roulants, d'un confort presque inégalé. Certains disent qu'il lui faut un retrack RMC, mais je pense que son layout a encore du potentiel pour être exploité tel quel, mis à part certains virages à plat pleins de G latéraux ou qui sont synonymes de temps morts.

  • Win Green

    Airtimes Spaß Ejectors Headbanging Unangenehm

    Qu'est ce que ce truc ? Ça a pas volé sa réputation. Ça n'a strictement aucun sens, le banking a été torche après une soirée entière à la Vodka, mais qu'est ce que c'est fun cette merde. Et le fameux airtime du lift au last, lui aussi n'a pas volé sa réputation, cet ejector absolu mdr

  • Win Green

    Airtimes Layout Rütteln Unangenehm

    Les problèmes de Wood Express sont les mêmes que T2Z, mais en miniature. Ce qui fait qu'on passe un bon moment et qu'on profite des airtimes (au dernier rang ce bonheur) et qu'on le refait sans déplaisir

  • Win Green

    Irrelevant Layout

    Même pour un Kiddie, qu'est ce qu'on se fait chier là dedans

  • Win Green

    Spaß Kapazität Layout

    Une Spinning Wild Mouse hautement basique, ça fait le taff mais le débit fait qu'hormis avoir son +1, faut pas s'y attarder