• Coaster Great

    Inversionen Standort Intensität

    Whoever thought of a nearly 200 foot tall B&M invert is a madman, but the result is great. The first drop gradually develops speed until entering an immelmann and a vertical loop that aren't too intense. The cobra roll that follows is insane. Some turns lead into the midcourse. After the midcourse is a pretty good zero-g roll and a corkscrew that I find to be pretty intense. A semi-intense helix leads to the end of the right. It's definitely one of the better B&M Inverts, but that's what happens when a B&M Invert is to this scale.

  • Coaster Great

    Airtimes First Drop Rückhaltebügel Zu kurz

    200 foot drop at 90 degrees, it's insane. Before getting to experience other B&M dive coasters, Griffon was the first one, meaning that I didn't have any prior experience to it. Even then, it's still an amazing drop any time. Griffon's drop is enhanced by the lack of vest restraints, which for me can limit the quality of the drop. After this drop, there's a decent Immelmann before going into the midcourse. What follows is a a pretty good drop and another decent Immelmann. The following airtime is underrated in the sense that nobody talks about it. It's pretty good. There's a few more elements, then it goes into the brakes. I wish it had a longer ride, but it still does a lot with the short duration.

  • Coaster Great

    Inversionen Standort Dead spots

    Loch Ness monster starts out with a drop, then immediately loses all of the speed by going back up and meandering. This is the start of a lot of dead spot. Once the meandering is over, it goes into the first loop. What follows is a lot more dead spots. Then, one last loop into the rest of the ride which is of course, more dead spots. When I describe it like this, it seems like a bad ride. It's not actually, the loops are fun and the ride is pretty smooth. Even in the dead spots, the ride is beautiful and it's a fun experience for people who might not have ridden a looping coaster yet.

  • Roger B.

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß Rütteln Zu kurz

    La thématisation est incroyable et l'ambiance est de plus en plus inquiétante dans ce "set de tournage" de la Momie. Le ride nous surprend avec toute sorte d'effets visuels classiques non digitaux pour notre plus grand plaisir. Il y a même une vraie partie coaster qui fait le job et qui est bien fun (même si ça tape un peu, on ne va pas se mentir). Elle est juste un peu courte.

  • Coaster Great

    Thematisierung Standort Layout

    It was more than just a suspended coaster. There was something great about going through the course while there's the nice thematic elements. Then of course there was that drop over the river. It was great visually and on the ride. My last rides were on its last day, and they might of been the most memorable. Knowing that it was closing made me appreciate everything about the ride one last time. Rest in peace, Big Bad Wolf.

  • Coaster Great


    Average wild mouse

  • Swen_

    Thematisierung Kapazität Rütteln

    Ride du 26/08 : C'est bien, c'est cool, mais ça tape ! Et sa c'est très chiant ! Mais bon avec 12 ans d'exploitation presque, on peut le pardonner se vieux bébé nan ?

  • Roger B.

    Inversionen Intensität Dauer Headbanging

    Kumba est un sitting BM qui se conserve bien malgré son âge. Le parcours contient tous les éléments vus et revus depuis dans beaucoup d'autres coasters du même type (donc beaucoup d'inversions et de G+). Il est moins haut et rapide qu'un Dragon Khan mais étonnamment vibre et baffe peu, ce qui est fort appréciable. Certes il n'a pas l'aura de son frère car il se trouve un peu caché au fond du parc et que la plupart du layout n'est pas visible mais le tire-bouchon est très photogénique (surtout le soir) et certains éléments comme un tunnel sont surprenants car inattendus. Au final cela reste une belle découverte !

  • A Useless Guy


    its smooth

  • A Useless Guy

    Inversionen Standort Layout Rütteln Unangenehm

    looks super fun but its extremely rough for a new coaster