• eamon marsden

    Thematisierung Abschuss Meisterwerk

    SO MUCH FUN! The theming is incredible, its breathtaking and the launches are so punchy. Some great intensity moments and whippy turns and transitions.

  • Roger B.

    Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Spaß Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel

    Ce type de coaster rappelle inévitablement, de par son court layout, l'allure des voies et l'inversion au sommet d'autres coaster de la concurrence style Abismo. Cependant là où l'autre a un lift/montée à la verticale, celui-ci possède un lancement par launch magnétique. Un launch à plusieurs passages assez jouissif qui nous permet d'atteindre le sommet rapidement et cette fameuse inversion à hangtime qui peut en faire flipper plus d'un. La suite est très courte mais l'ensemble est très chouette. À faire lorsque la file d'attente est négligeable, autrement cela risque de vite devenir long. La nuit l'illumination est sublime. On regrettera un harnais "ceinture" inconfortable.

  • Neilan Leveque

    WAY OVERRATED. This rollercoaster is basically the same thing to how MAGA view Donald Trump except for coaster enthusiasts

  • Léonard D.

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Dead spots

    Je vais essayer de juger FLY pour ce qu'il est, à savoir un flying coaster, et donc ne pas le comparer à des machines qui ne sont pas destinées à offrir les mêmes sensations. La théma et juste somptueuse, on est probablement dans ce qui se fait de tout meilleur sur la planète. Le coaster en lui même est plutôt confort en terme de fluidité. Celà dit, la position peut être un peu gênante pour les grands gabarits. Avoir son poids sur son torse n'est pas franchement ce qu'il y a de plus agréable. Mais bon c'est le principe même du coaster, donc je ne lui ne tiens pas rigueur. Le layout très sinueux, se faufilant dans les antres de la zone, propose des legchoppers dantesques (bizarre vu la position allongée, mais le cerveau vous joue des tours).. Probablement le plus gros point fort du coaster niveau sensations. Car en effet, ne vous attendez pas à des airtimes de folie, ou autres éléments intenses, c'est plutôt "soft" de ce côté là. Pour finir, le layout est long, et en fait... peut être un poil trop long. La position et le léger manque d'intensité font que perso, j'ai apprecié, mais j'étais content que ça se termine malgré tout. Pour ces raisons, je ne lui donne pas la note maxi, mais dans sa catégorie, ça reste un chef-d'œuvre.

  • Coaster Great

    Inversionen Headbanging

    The first B&M, and they didn't start too bad. It's not too intense, but it's fun. It's better than when it was Iron Wolf (didn't ride it as Apocalypse), but the floorless trains didn't fix the ride. There's headbanging in several parts of the ride, especially the second half. I did enjoy the inversions and some moments are quite fun. 5/10, a retracking would improve it further.

  • Coaster Great

    Intensität Unangenehm

    The first half is an average wild mouse, just with a different seating configuration. The second half is just comical. There is absolutely no banking, and the ride starts spinning comically. I almost got dizzy. Definitely underrated, highly recommend it.

  • Coaster Great

    Inversionen Intensität Unangenehm

    Batwing, definitely innovative. The Vekoma Flying Dutchman is the predecessor to the B&M Flyer, and it feels like one. Instead of initially going in the flying position, it forces you into the position you use to sleep. Also weird, it has a lap bar and some form of vest restraint?? The lift hill is bad, you have the loud lift hill right in your ear for the entire time. Finally during the first descent, you go into the flying position. It lasts 1 whole turnaround until it goes back into the lying position. Then, the vertical loop occurs. It's an early attempt at what the pretzel loop does. It goes to the top, then tries to rip you in half. Best element of the ride definitely. Finally the ride decides to be in the flying position until some in-line twists. This whole part feels somewhat like flying. One more turn and the rides over. Batwing is fun, but it is weird and sometimes is uncomfortable. At least the pain in the ears is from noise and not headbanging.

  • Coaster Great

    First Drop Schoßbügel Ejectors Rütteln Dead spots

    Six Flags randomly mirrored this ride from Darien Lake, but I'm not upset about the decision. I experience this one earlier than the NY counterpart. In fact, this was my first hyper. Only takeaway from the mirrored layout is that the parts where it goes over a lake now go over nothing, which takes away from the experience. Also recently, a rattle has emerged. Not too terrible, but still noticeable. With that being said, it's still a great ride. T-bars are some of the most minimalistic restraints ever, and it adds to any coaster with them. First drop from 200 feet up is great, then into a turn. This is one of the few times where it doesn't feel like a dead spot. The next hill give solid floater. What follows is a bunch of dead spots and a few hills. The hills are ejector, and t-bars make sure that it's notable. 3 final hills at the end ensure this ride of being a 9/10.

  • Coaster Great

    Abschuss Layout Dead spots

    I remember the days when Joker's Jinx (and Flight of Fear) had shoulder harnesses and rattled your brain around. Flight of Fear was the first one to get the lap bars, and back then I heavily preferred it over Joker. Now, there about the same, in a good way. Joker got lap bars the next year and now it's smooth and fun. The ride op tries to add suspense before dispatching, which is understandable considering the name. Launch is pretty good. Inversions are okay, but they used to be abysmal. Tons of meandering, another inversion, and then into the breaks. For how compact it is, it's great. I wish the dead spots had more to offer.

  • Coaster Great

    Spaß Intensität Rückhaltebügel

    Somehow, even with the same restraints as Mind Eraser, Two Face managed to be a fun ride. I was able to choose forward first or backward first, even being able to face other people while riding. I enjoyed that aspect, but what really surprised me was the smoothness. It had no headbanging! Regular boomerangs can be terrible, but Invertigos always somehow are smooth. Both models are also stupidly intense. With Two Face, I was able to actually enjoy the intensity. I was definitely upset when it was removed, but at least there's still one of these at Kings Island.