Spaß Rückhaltebügel Layout Headbanging

    C'est vraiment dommage qu'il y ai cette baffe finale. Le layout est fun et concis, il y a ce qu'il faut pour un coaster familiale un peu poussé.

  • Telissa RYCKEWAERT

    Thematisierung Kapazität Sanftheit Dead spots

    Original, avec une belle thématique. En revanche beaucoup de temps morts et peu de sensation. Cela reste tout de même une attraction que j'apprécie

  • Coach Rolo

    Airtimes Tempo

    I loved how relentless this coaster was.

  • Austin L.

    First Drop Inversionen Rückhaltebügel

    The harness was pretty uncomfortable on my shoulders. This was my first dive coaster and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The front row was the best. This ride was super smooth and has a really cool baggage system.

  • Zach R.

    Airtimes Tempo Sanftheit Zu kurz

    This is at my home park, and it’s probably my most ridden wooden coaster. I’ve ridden this in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night, and it’s almost always flying. It’s got plenty of great airtime moments and incredible pacing. Plus, it’s glass smooth for a woodie. This is an elite wooden coaster, go to KI and ride it!

  • Evangelion Martini

    Inversionen Intensität Ejectors

    While I've heard so much about good those back to back loops are, I was definitely surprised by the gnarly ejector this thing gives you. This ride is absolutely nuts, hard to believe it opened only 2 years after Revolution! Definitely top 3 in the park, and definitely earned a place on my favorites.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Intensität Layout Dead spots

    Goliath but good. Even if the only real difference is that extra helix that Goliath lacks, it really adds a lot to the ride (especially since the helix is the best part of Goliath). It's just a shame that it shares Goliath's annoying MCBR, it just murders all the momentum and pacing.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes Ejectors Dauer

    While it may not be as intense as the RMCs that would follow it, NTG is a stellar ride; it's easy to see how it started the RMC revolution we bask in today. It's an absolute airtime machine, and that final drop inside the tunnel gives some gnarly ejector. Incredible ride!

  • Evangelion Martini

    Spaß Kapazität Dead spots

    One of two of the remaining Intamin bobsleds left in the world, a definite novelty. I didn't have any of issues of discomfort that many seem to have with it, but I do think that the layout could have been just a tad more intense. Those block zone/drive tire sections really kill most of your energy, but I dunno maybe it has to or else the cars fly out or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Evangelion Martini

    Thematisierung Zu kurz

    Kiddie coaster credit with cute theming, but also I think this has to be the single shortest rollercoaster I've ever ridden in my entire life. I swear the ride duration is like sub 10 seconds, and they don't even send you twice like most other kiddie coasters of this class. I got in to ride it for free, if you can't then don't bother.