• Noah

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität

    Excellent coaster, ridé de nombreuses fois, à l'avant, à l'arrière, au milieu, sur les côtés, et c'est vraiment une bête d'intensité. Il ne s'arrête jamais, toujours à pleine vitesse, des très bons airtimes flottants, les ejectors qui vous feront décoller du siège. Les vibrations sont présentes en effet et je les redoutais pas mal, mais elles ne sont pas si gênantes que ça d'après mon ressenti, ou bien avancez vous du dossier de votre siège pour ne pas le coller et tout devrait aller pour le mieux, pour profiter au mieux de ce monstre.

  • Noah

    Abschuss Intensität Ejectors Zu kurz

    Très bon coaster, très intense, de bonnes inversions, de bons airtimes, bon changement de direction. Quoiqu'il soit un peu trop court, pour sa taille et l'espace qu'il prend, je ne pense pas qu'il aurait pu y avoir mieux. De plus il est très fluide et je ne trouve en aucun cas que les harnais veste soient dérangeants.

  • Sean R.

    First Drop Intensität Dauer Rütteln

    I really like this ride. It was filled with thrill from the first climb right on through to the end. It is a meaty, proper length roller-coaster and the first combination of events that get it started are really, really fun. A bit of a rattly-ride particularly when compared to Hulk, Velocicoaster and Hagrid's, but I had low expectations and high reward from this one.

  • Sean R.

    Nette Überraschung! Kapazität

    For years, the lines and heat conspired against us to make this ride inaccessible over many visits to Magic Kingdom. But on our last visit, we got lucky and found our way on in relative short-order. For Disney, this was a really good coaster. Family-friendly with a modest degree of thrill. As good a ride as you'll find at Magic Kingdom.

  • Sean R.

    Thematisierung Abschuss Zu kurz

    I was ready for something more intense than I experienced. The Aerosmith theming is also an odd and dated choice. The launch is a nice start, but this ride is way too short and too mild from an intensity standpoint for my taste.

  • Kevin & Carey Musical Brothers

    Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    This ride would be so much better if it was smoother. What a waste of area. This would be one of the worst coasters I've ridden. Tear it down, replace it, and crush those rusty tracks!

  • Kevin & Carey Musical Brothers

    Tempo Meisterwerk Sanftheit

    Perfect coaster, because Hypercoasters are the best!

  • Sean R.

    Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit

    This was my first and remains my only wing coaster to date (due to the weather at CP.) Said simply, I really enjoyed it. The marketing materials suggested this was as close to flying as you'll feel on a coaster and while I was skeptical, this turned out to be pretty accurate. The first hill and multiple inversions create plenty of intensity. Some people complain about the restraints, but I didn't have any issue (and you are basically flying at 60+ mph.) The setting and views are great...not the biggest, best or craziest coaster I've come across, but it's a smooth ride that provides a unique, innovative experience. All in all, a remarkably enjoyable coaster.

  • Flavien Plaire

    Rütteln Kapazität Unangenehm

    Un Zierer bien basique qui fait très mal dans les creux et dont les freins sont super violents.

  • Youssouf L.

    First Drop Tempo Sanftheit

    un super crédit très fluide et confortable ! Et la Drop :D