• Blathers

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    I ride this all the time with it being at my home park and the first drop in the back is so incredible every single time. Tons of amazing airtime moments, and most of my rides do not let up on the last lap and it finishes strong enough.

  • Blathers

    Airtimes Inversionen Dauer Schoßbügel

    Incredible ride, truly a world class coaster with a wonderful layout and setting next to the Connecticut river. I used to complain about the lap bar but I haven't had an uncomfortable ride in a while after knowing how to position myself better. The first drop and airtime hills are amazing, with the 4th hill having absolutely insane ejector airtime. Favorite seat is the back, but the front is just as good due to the sense of speed. Everything about this ride is just great.. the operations, the capacity, the ride length, the location, etc.

  • Blathers

    First Drop Intensität Sanftheit

    This is a very good boomerang and rides quite smooth compared to Flashback at the nearby SFNE. You'll only experience very mild headbanging on the cobra roll. Everything else is comfortable and enjoyable. Intense vertical loop especially going backwards, and the first drop is always great.

  • Blathers

    Spaß Unangenehm Dead spots

    I give this ride 3 stars for my fun rides I had on it before it became incredibly rough in recent years. After riding it on one of its last days open before closing for the entirety of 2023, it was hilariously bad. I've never experienced anything with so much jackhammering and rough spots that I had to ride it a 2nd time for how uniquely bad the experience was. Even the very front row was laughably rough and the constant groans and moans could be heard from the back of the train for the majority of the ride. The first drop and the following turn were fun and smooth, but every valley afterwards was just constant jackhammering. Approaching the brakes, all speed was lost and we barely made it up the final hill into the brake run. Will never forget how this rode, and I'm very interested to see what happens to this ride after the 2023 season.

  • Blathers

    Tempo Spaß Intensität

    I would like to say that I really enjoyed this ride after riding once in the front and once in the very back. I felt the roughness that people always mention but it was very tolerable for me. The layout was fun and never died down until the brakes. Front row wasn't rough at all and it was my favorite woodie in the park.

  • Blathers

    Standort Tempo Dauer Unangenehm

    This is a ride like no other and you absolutely have to ride it in the front. Very smooth and an insanely fun trip into the woods and back. The airtime you get is pretty much the same in any row. The first drop is amazing with the titan track and the pacing is top notch from start to finish. There's really nothing bad I can say about this ride until you sit in other rows. Sitting in a wheel seat can be quite uncomfortable after the titan track segment so I recommend an odd numbered row, unless you like to experience the roughness which I totally understand. I will also note that this ride almost always runs one train but with this being a small park, you still won't have to wait too long. A full queue is only 30-40 minutes and after 5 rides on a Sunday, the average wait was about 15 minutes.

  • Blathers

    Airtimes Abschuss Intensität

    This is easily the 2nd best ride at Lake Compounce and it is very fun. The swing launch sequence is great and awesome in the back or in the front for the sense of speed. The hangtime is great after blasting up to the very top and you get some crazy airtime on the twisted drop afterwards. Capacity is not an issue because I've never seen the line for this coaster reach far out of the station, and dispatches are pretty quick. But make sure to get a comfortable lap bar position or it may be uncomfortable.

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes Spaß Dauer

    It was fun. I never understood how people thought it was rough. There aren’t issues, it’s just kind of there and a one and done.

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes First Drop Enttäuschend!

    Don’t get me wrong, I love this ride. Out of my weak credit count of 40, it came in at number four, which seems high on the surface, but that means it’s barely in my top 10% of coasters. I thought this would be my number one or two. It was definitely overhyped for me, and I have heard that it runs on different wheels depending on the year, but I don’t know it just wasn’t it. The airtime was strong floater at best and I expected to be flying through the double up, but it felt like I was riding down the drop on Woodstock Express. Just slow and disappointing. The drop was fun though!

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    For the height they worked with, this is a masterpiece. If there was a stats to airtime duration ratio, this would have to be on the upper end of the spectrum for sure. We need more of these gravity group family woodies because they are great. I could see this fitting at a park like Silverwood or Holiday World that doesn’t have much of a thrill gap between two coasters.