• Evan Kwasniak

    Airtimes Standort Layout

    Only bad thing was how long the lift hill takes, but a great ride overall

  • Evan Kwasniak

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Standort

    Great airtime and good scenery for such a small ride

  • Evan Kwasniak

    Kapazität Enttäuschend! Irrelevant Dead spots

    Pointless and boring, theming’s bad and the whole ride is just not really enjoyable

  • Blake Truckenbrod

    Airtimes Kapazität Spaß

    It’s high and it’s fast and it goes up and down and it goes left and right

  • Blake Truckenbrod

    Airtimes First Drop Kapazität Zu kurz

    I love this ride because it is kind of fast and I like it because it goes three times and it goes a little bit high

  • Nathan F

    Thematisierung Spaß Dauer Airtimes

    It’s a fun family coaster. Some fun launches. A few fun pops to the side. Not a very forceful ride, but it feels long, has fun theming, and is overall a good addition to this park.

  • S P

    Best ride in the world.

  • Samantha P.

    Airtimes Spaß Hangtime Unangenehm

    Woohoo a new number 1 coaster for me! I absolutely loved this coaster after my first ride and went straight back round again. First ride was row 5 and then I got a back row ride. The back row was SO good!! So much more airtime and it's so good to go so high up the spike! I love love love the little launch out the station and into that first inversion omg it's so so good! The hangtime is crazy, especially on the left seat. Here is why I don't give it 5 stars though.. I don't know if that bunny hill in the middle of the launch section is needed for slowing the train down or if they just added it to get that extra bit of airtime for their stats but I really wish that little bunny hill wasn't there. I would love that section otherwise! I felt I couldn't put my hands up on the launches because I needed to hold on to brace myself for that bunny hill and slamming my legs into the restraints. Seriously after 4 rides on this thing my legs were literally bruised! I wish the restaints came up higher and didn't close on the thighs as it's just suuuper painful! It's almost like the coaster is too powerful for it's own good and the airtime isn't actually enjoyable floatly (well, I know it's ejector..) because it crushes my legs! It would be 100 times better in my opinion if it didn't have that bunny hill in the middle of the launch section (am I the only one to think that?!) The spike is awesome and the top hat is pretty cool, although I do kind of wish it wasn't trimmed so that you would get the airtime instead of the hangtime.. I found that hangtime quite painful. But omg the stall after the tophat.. perfection!! My favourite element on a coaster ever! So so good! So smooth and just so fun! :) The final inversion is also great. Although again not a fan of those little bunny hills before the station, not fun airtime and just painful! I wish the restraints were a little different because I would honestly sit on that thing all day long if it didn't physically bruise me! But still, despite the pain I do think it's my new number 1 !

  • Samantha P.

    Rütteln Dead spots

    This ride should be called Vol de freins (flight of brakes!) Why so many brakes on the last section! Seems super unnecessary and really took away from any enjoyment I had in the first section. This ride was mostly enjoyable just because I sat in the car behind my brother and could just see him rattling around all over the place as he wasn't prepared for the first drop, had a good laugh. But the coaster itself pretty pointless to be honest.. might have been fun without 2 of those brake sections but it's almost like what's the point in riding if you're going to kill all speed that is gained.

  • Samantha P.

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Rütteln Airtimes

    I had a front row and back row ride on this first thing in the morning, and then a late in the day front row ride. I really enjoyed the first front row ride, but was expecting to have more airtime on the back, although that wasn't the case. It just felt like there was no airtime.. I know I probably shouldn't compare to Wodan at Europa park but that's one of the only other similar rides I've done so all I have to compare really and on Wodan on the front you really get pushed over every hill by the rest of the train.. on this that didn't happen! It was quite disappointing actually. The pacing and the speed felt good which I think is what made it fun. I loved the super banked turn, that was fun and a nice surprise! Although I hated the tunnel, why is the audio so loud! It's awful on ride and very annoying the queue line too. I realise this isn't a fault of the ride but more of the park, but that is seriously not a ride you should be allowed to take bags on ! I had a smallish backpack which was quite light and literally had to wrap the strap around my foot, put my foot on the strap and hold onto the other strap aswell and it was still floating up between my legs! Very dangerous in my opinion and took away from the ride experience because I was worried about dropping it. Crazy actually that they let you take bags on that, and surprising there aren't more incidents. Why can't they just have the same baggage system as on the other rides?! I like that the queue line goes really under the coaster.