• Tom Ghesquiere

    Airtimes Komfort Ejectors Thematisierung Kapazität

    Super bon coaster avec une first drop à soulever le bide des changements de direction à nous éjecter bref il est génial manque juste de débit et sûrement un peu de thèma

  • Tom Ghesquiere

    Thematisierung Kapazität Nette Überraschung!

    J’en attendais beaucoup et franchement c’est une super surprise le thème , la partie dark ride tout y est c’est sûrement une de mes préférés du parc incontestablement

  • Mael Nicol

    Meisterwerk Intensität Hangtime

    A essayer absolument !

  • Teddy Martin

    Airtimes Kapazität Hangtime

    This is my favorite ride at kings dominion. I don’t know why people say it’s rough, it’s not at all. Every time I ride it it’s perfectly smooth to me. I don’t get affected by arrow roughness. It has such good airtime on the corkscrews and is so fun on the first drop, it’s such a perfect angle. The loops are also intense and so thrilling.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität

    Such a great ride for this park, truly completes the lineup and is definitely the standalone attraction in that area of the park, although Fahrenheit is still amazing. Immediately, the prelift is filled with small moments of airtime. This is such a great way to begin the ride. Immediately, you're in the action. I really enjoyed Steel Vengeance's prelift and this is much better. The lift hill is somewhat weird. It waits for the third train to enter the unload platform, and it does this by going slow initially then speeding up. It does get to a good speed though. First drop is great. Of course it is, no surprise here. Ejector, like usual. It goes into a zero g winder. This is fun. Not really any force, but fun. Then, it goes into the first of its sustained ejector hills. These are great. Definitely not too much, but they provide great airtime. Then, you go into a turnaround that took me by surprise. Somehow, the turn managed to give ejector. I was expecting airtime, but not ejector. Great way of using a turnaround. Then, the stall. This is comparable to the Jersey Devil stall, which I love. For this one though, you have full upper body freedom, making me slightly prefer it. Another one of those turns with surprisingly good airtime. Still, surprising that they manage to smoothly pull that off. Then, a double down. While slightly turning, it provides 2 incredibly strong moments of sustained ejector airtime. It might be my favorite part of the ride. Then some zero g rolls. These are average for RMC, fun filler moments. There's a few more pops of ejector, finishing the ride with a bang. This ride is filled with ejector after ejector. It's such a great ride and considering how I don't like either of the 2 early GCIs I rode, it's most definitely a much, MUCH better ride than its predecessor. By the way, line moves somewhat quickly. Free lockers without metal detectors and 3 trains in the same way that Millennium Force does it. No midcourse, but an unload platform.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität Rütteln Zu kurz

    Before giving my actual review, I want to state that my first ride was after the new trains. Anyways, this thing is demented. The whole thing feels like a car crash. It immediately starts with the fastest lift hill on anything. Only a bit of time to process it, which will make the next part even more messed up. The first drop. It's not just one bit of it. The whole thing is ridiculous. As soon as it kicks in, it starts the car crash experience. While you're out of your seat, it tries to push you out even further and then impose some of the strongest positives of any ride. That's one thing this does, ridiculously high positives. Throughout the ride there's also sporadic airtime hills. These all provide great ejector. The transitions between turns also do something, but they're not really snappy. Still, the entire ride is just demented, and maybe that's from the rattle. On the wing seats, this is real rough. It does give a more forceful ride, but that comes with a price. Also, the ride is very short. 3600 feet long for a hyper is a lowball. Candymonium's considered short and that's over 1000 feet longer. Kudos to the old trains for raising the restraints on the brake run though. They do come down during the ride and you're on the brake run for quite some time. Overall, this is a very short but insane ride that is #2 in the park.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz

    What a relentless ride. First, this is weird in terms of how good capacity is. If you're not in the station, it's regular 2 train ops. However, once you're in the station, it's essentially one train because of the dual loading platform. Anyways. once you get on, just know that if you were glasses, they will get caught with the restraint. Didn't have this problem on Maverick, but I did have it with this. When the restraint automatically unlocks at the end, then it's quite a disturbance. At the launch, the audio is synced up. Don't know how long it's been, but it was when I was there. The audio says "Now get ready, here we go" then immediately you get launched into a smaller version of Kingda Ka's launch. Yeah, they felt the same. The incline of the tophat gives surprisingly sustained ejector airtime. Drop gives a bit more, than you fall. The cobra loop isn't too notable. You have some speed throughout the element, but that's the only takeaway. Then, there's the flying snake dive. You rise up into even more ejector, go through a fast heartline roll, then roll into the drop. This is an incredible inversion mixing in several forces. Next couple elements are some added turns that prevent the ending from being filler. This is still a short ride, but they did so much to it. Incredible layout and it's definitely worth waiting for the front row.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes First Drop

    Candymonium was quite the surprise when I rode it. It was the last new coaster I rode at Hershey because of the line, but after 4 pm this doesn't get more than a 45 minute wait. This is after the app reported it as a 3 hour wait. The indoor queue line has me conflicted. On one hand, the visuals are great for the building and you don't have to worry about heat, although that wasn't an issue when we were there. On the other hand, I love watching coasters while waiting in line to help with boredom. I was expecting something very similar to Nitro albeit shorter. As soon as the drop hit I was so surprised. It suddenly whipped you down. 77.3 degrees isn't a joke. It's much, much better compared to Nitro's first drop. The first hill isn't near the level of whip, but it's still quite whippy. Turnaround is pointless, then the return run provides decent floater. It's close with the supports so that's nice. Then, you get to go through a helix, which is nice but not too forceful. The turn around the fountain visually is incredible, even when it's not that good of an element. Then you get to the brakes, and get ready because you'll have to wait. It stacks at least one train and often all of the trains are stacked. It's pretty bad. Still a great ride that, out of the 2 B&M hypers I've done, is the better one.

  • Tonton Max

    Komfort Sanftheit Layout

    Un Stand UP confortable avec un layout plutôt basique et très court.

  • Tonton Max

    Sanftheit Layout Ejectors

    Petit mais costaud avec de très nombreux ejectors qui ne laissent pas indifférent et qui arrachent bien les jambes. Les inversions sont ultras efficaces avec des gros effets de basculements, c'est très très fluide et le bouzin enchaîne le layout à un rythme effréné. Une petite machine ultra punchy qui envoie de A à Z !