• Tonton Max

    Inversionen Layout

    Malheureusement je n'ai pas pu apprécier cette machine a sa juste valeur à cause des opérateurs qui m'ont pressé comme un citron à chacun de mes rides, dommage car le layout est intéressant avec du Loop planant, du Zero G Roll basculant, une fin de layout intense, le tout avec un très bon rythme.

  • David Parrett

    The tire launches were fun and the setting over the water is its best feature.

  • Tonton Max

    Inversionen Intensität Layout Rütteln

    Ce n'est pas le meilleur des Superman selon moi mais cela n'empêche que cette machine reste efficace notamment avec sont Pretzel intense et ses inversions très smooth, c'est plutôt confortable et fluide, à noter quelques vibrations au last qui ne sont pas dérangeantes.

  • David Parrett

    It’s a Batman clone which was comfortable but it’s a one and done for me. I wish they had chosen something else instead.

  • Tonton Max

    Nette Überraschung! Komfort Layout Schoßbügel

    Très surpris par ce Coaster qui c'est avéré être confortable en plus d'avoir un layout intéressant, une petite touche de théma correcte, belle surprise.

  • David Parrett


    This Morgan felt like a pre-computer design that is comfortable but still awkward with its transitions. The forces are odd and almost ejector in the back row as you go down the drops. The front gives a more floater feeling in the bunny hills at the end. It’s a beautiful coaster to look at from underneath and on the ride with wonderful views of the park.

  • David Parrett

    First Drop Intensität

    This ranks up there with Mystic Timbers and Thunderhead as a super fast, smooth, and intense coaster with lots of airtime and laterals. It’s world class. I love the straight first drop into that huge first hill and then it goes all curvy and whips you side to side almost like I305. The way it transitions smoothly from one element to another and banks so well is possibly the best I’ve ever experienced in a wood coaster.

  • Michael M.

    Airtimes Spaß

    This sort of feels like if Arrow tried to build a racing woody, but did it with mine train components. The layout definitely feels like a wood coaster, but it obviously tracks a bit better considering the steel track. There are a few janky moments (of course, given that it is an Arrow), but overall it is smoother than most mine trains. This side (blue) might also be a bit less janky than red, but that may also be my imagination. There are a few moments of good floater airtime, which surprised me given that it is an Arrow but perhaps shouldn't have considering how it is apparently designed to be like a woody. The racing definitely makes it more fun. This is the first coaster I've ridden where people can high-five each other between trains, but sadly I was on the wrong side of the train to be able to do that.

  • Gabriel G.

    First Drop Tempo Meisterwerk Thematisierung

    I have ridden Fury many times, and every time I find it better and better. The first drop is amazing, and the turnaround right before the tunnel is my favorite turnaround of any coaster. It is definitely my favorite giga by far!

  • Michael M.

    Standort Spaß Unangenehm

    After having ridden Carolina Goldrusher at Carowinds (which runs the same trains as this one), I can in with minimal expectations. I was surprised though. The ride experience is actually rather enjoyable and, while janky, it isn't painful the way Goldrusher was. The last helix is also quite forceful. This uses the old common-lapbar Arrow trains, so tall and/or long-legged people will be uncomfortable.