• Shawn S.


    i'm not a big fan of inversion coasters

  • Shawn S.

    Inversionen Spaß Layout

    this was the first none kidy coaster i rode

  • Shawn S.

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Ejectors Unangenehm

    the airtime is so good it hurts

  • Shawn S.

    Airtimes First Drop Abschuss

    good for the whole family

  • Antoine P.

    First Drop Schoßbügel Zu kurz Dead spots

    L'ascenseur et la first drop sont sympa, mais le Camel-back n'a pas d'airtime et le splash ne m'a pas arrosé.

  • Christophe M.

    Thematisierung Spaß Zuverlässigkeit

    Assez immersifs, deux petites propulsions du spinning juste ce qu' il faut et la drop de fin qui fait son effet, un bon familiale très bon ajout pour le Futuroscope attention tout de même a la fiabilité.

  • Tootoo 67

    Thematisierung Spaß Headbanging Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    Banking inconnu au bataillon mais bon soquet y sont habitués malgré tout sa reste mon premier coaster

  • Kellen Grady

    Thematisierung Abschuss Spaß

    This is quite simply the most incredible ride I've ever been on. This is such a thrilling, complex, well-oiled machine of a ride with top-notch pacing, constant surprises, and beautiful storytelling. After Gringotts, I was worried that Universal wouldn't ever top Forbidden Journey, but this ride is just top of the line. I know it's not necessarily the craziest ride in terms of what it does as a rollercoaster - it's basically a family coaster - but it manages to be very thrilling despite this, partially because of the music/pacing and partly because of the SEVEN launches. It's hard to recommend this ride enough - it's my new number one and one that I am very sad is not in my home state or even on my coast. RIDE THIS!!!

  • Kyle Marcus

    Thematisierung Spaß Dauer Unangenehm

    Now as this ride does have a pretty trash sidecar lap- bar. The ride itself is amazing. All of the theming is wonderful and really does mix in well with the theme of harry potter. Try to ride the bike seat if possible, because the ride jumped up from a 3 star to a 4 star just like that from riding the bike seat. Overall the third best coaster at universal's islands of adventure

  • Mathias Gley

    Thematisierung Abschuss Meisterwerk

    Wahou ! C’est indescriptible, sensation encore inconnu jusqu’à FLY ! Une thématique extrêmement poussée, une immersion au top, un coaster parfaitement intégré a la zone, un layout très fluide, des launchs puissants ! Quelques airtimes, des inversions passée en douceur avec une sensation de légèreté. Une innovation très osé mais parfaitement réussi !