• A Useless Guy

    Inversionen Intensität

    did a lot of inversions but that's really all it did.

  • A Useless Guy

    Standort Intensität Dauer Airtimes Dead spots

    for being built in the 70s its an engineering marvel but it doesn't do much but straight track in the woods but if your like scenic rides this thing is a BEAST at doing that while the night rides are like riding with your eyes closed but they're open. Ride wont do much for thrill seekers until the helix at then end that thing is one of the best endings to a ride ever.

  • A Useless Guy

    Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz

    The better strata but still short.

  • A Useless Guy

    Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit Zu kurz Dead spots

    It tired to be more fast and low to the ground than airtime like B&M are know for and they just fell short in my mind.

  • A Useless Guy

    Inversionen Sanftheit Zu kurz

    Fun and smooth but its very short.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Dead spots

    was not expecting this ride to be this good from what people say but those trims are awful.

  • A Useless Guy

    Spaß Intensität Rütteln

    What a classic this ride is and the most picturesque ride out there.

  • A Useless Guy

    Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz

    what a blast just is non stop fun until it ends which is like instantly.

  • Philip Mahn

    Layout Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Natürlich ist es eine wirklich schlechte Bahn... Ich persönlich habe mit Rappeln etc. eigentlich keine Probleme und fahre auch Bandit gerne. Leider ist die Fahrt echt anstrengend, da man sich die ganze Zeit unter Körperspannung halten muss, um keinen Schmerz zu erleiden. Ein kleines bisschen Spaß hat sie mir aber dennoch gemacht, einfach aus dem Prinzip, dass es eine Achterbahn ist... Krass wie Vekoma sich im Vergleich gewandelt hat und was die heute bauen...

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Spaß Intensität Rütteln

    This is a classic hyper coaster and even made my grey out which was not expected.