• Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    This a really fun and historic racing woodie with some great airtime and the roughness adds a ton of character to it.

  • Julian R.

    Inversiones Velocidad Intensidad Tematización Confiabilidad

    Oh crap, this is a great ride. Still not as great as Wicked Cyclone or Steel Vengeance, but better than Lightning Rod. Pace is awesome, it’s intense, and like the killer inversions. But it loses points for the theming within the ride, as it is pretty stupid and RMC WILL NOT STOP. But the main flaw is the reliability within the ride. It’s slow in the morning, it breaks down a lot, and that’s it. One of RMC’s masterpieces.

  • Jack Tombros

    Primera caída Fun Duración

    This ride is perfect for somebody who likes rides that will scare you, but won't make you black out. I went to wonderland for the first time in 4 years and i rode this as the sun was setting, it was really fun! The first drop provides the perfect amount of thrill, along with the speed and near misses of the water slides. If you are quite tall or large, about 300+ pds or 6'3"+, this ride may be a little cramped, but otherwise a perfect ride. The people saying they got a headache are either, lying, exaggerating, or extremely sensitive.

  • Mathéo Senicourt

    Airtimes Intensidad Ejectors Demasiado corto

    Un coaster qui ma surpris de sont intensité magnifique ! Jaime énormément malheureusement il dure pas assez longtemps ! Mais il est tres bon

  • Lu Tobi

    Launch Fun Vibración Demasiado corto Incomodidad

    Après une troisième visite, il est temps pour moi de donner mon avis sur ce coaster, seul prototype wing coaster d’intamin, le launch est très plaisant, la thématique ainsi que l’histoire est plutôt de bon goût idéalement situé à l’entrée du parc dans la très belle zone méditerranéenne, malheureusement le plaisir est gâché par des vibrations ainsi que son inconfort, à faire à l’intérieur et le plus à l’avant possible, à noter très mauvais débit et la fiabilité intamin laisse à désirer

  • A Useless Guy

    Inversiones Fun Vibración Tiempo muerto

    cant beat a classic Schwarzkopf and their iconic loops but there are a lot of dead spots where it doesn't do much.

  • A Useless Guy

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Fun Incomodidad

    blew me away as the stats don't look to impressive but flying through the woods and over water is an amazing location for a wooden coaster but I feel like it needs new trains as there are some rough spots.

  • A Useless Guy

    Primera caída Intensidad Duración Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Being a wooden coaster fan this is an amazing ride that absolutely flies and its keeps going even when its flies its extremally long for a ride like this but six flags being six flags and letting the ride get extremally rough which for its length can give you a really bad headache but if you can get around the headbanging this ride is one of the best wooden coasters in America.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Fun

    this ride looks basic but its extremally fun once you ride it.

  • A Useless Guy

    Primera caída Velocidad

    This ride is weird and has tons of laterals so you will love this ride if you like laterals.