• Combyte Studios

    Thematisierung Spaß Unangenehm

    Well tbh its a preety good and fun ride but the seating is way to low and the brakerun is painful but otherwise preety good and theming is incredible, well no surprise its Hansa Park xd

  • Swiss Coaster Enthusiast .

    Kapazität Intensität Sanftheit

    This ride is criminally underrated and I can't believe how nobody talks about it. It's a super intense ride and has phenomenal pacing. Really good inversions and really forceful helixes. It is embedded in phenomenal theming and it just looks so good. It's really comfortable and I don't mind the OTSRs, I actually think they improve the ride experience because they feel quite free compared to some other OTSRs I experienced. What a great first encounter with B&M Inverts. I now understand why enthusiast love this mode and I can't wait to ride more of them. I have a full Review on my YouTube if you want to hear more about my thoughts of this ride.

  • Swiss Coaster Enthusiast .

    Schoßbügel Inversionen Abschuss Rütteln Kapazität

    Karacho is a very good coaster and has a nearly perfect layout. Comfortable seats, great Lap-Bars and a mostly smooth ride experience. Although sometimes it has a slight rattle, it's mostly not that bad. The pre-launch barrel roll has great hangtime. The launch is phenomenal, so is the following Top-Hat. My favorite element by far and probably my favorite inversion is the Dive Loop. The hill after the Mid-Course tho is sadly a bit weak but the rest of the ride makes up for it. This ride also has one of the greatest Animatronics ever. Overall it's a great ride and it's currently chilling at my #5 spot just below Expedition Geforce and it's my personal favorite at, Tripsdrill.

  • Liight .

    Airtimes Thematisierung Rückhaltebügel

    This ride is a master piece. Starting off with the first launch, bringing you into the whippy immelman, which gives some airtime in the back. You then go into the dive loop before traversing some small hills and turns weaving thru rock work and raptors. You then slam into the second launch before ascending the 150 foot tophat. This has a trim break on it, but yet gives an amazing ejector pop on the drop. this drop is sadly only 80 degrees, opposed to the normal 90 degrees found on a top hat. You then slam to the ground before going into the 100 foot long stall. This element somewhat dissapointed me, it gave weak hangtime. You then go thru a turn into a stengel dive. This stengel dive double twists tho and gives airtime on both twists. You then go into one last bunny hop before the mosasaurus roll over the lagoon. This roll pulls lots of g's and also gives good hangtime. You then go up into a sort of s bend, then hit the breaks. This ride never lets go on the pacing, and other then the trim break on the top hat, never slows down it seems. The launches are forceful and the layout is spectacular. You do this whole layout with only a small lap bar by the way. Yes, just a lap bar. This ride is a masterpiece. Did i mention the amazing theming? This ride has tons of rockwork and interaction points, such as th stall going over a pathway. Small things like that just make this ride even better. Overall, this is the best coaster in florida and I think it will beat out iron gwazi in my personal rankings, but i will see.

  • Liight .

    Thematisierung Abschuss Spaß Rückhaltebügel

    This ride is really weird and fun. With 7 launches and A backwards section and a drop track, and over 5000 feet of track, this is a long ride. I've only ridden in the motorcycle and it had a massive brick bar that crushed my thighs during the ride. There is also nothing n the sides of you so if you dont hold on your will get swung around. This ride is still fun. The theming is beautiful, dont overlook it.

  • Liight .

    Abschuss Intensität Dead spots

    This ride is amazing, starting with the launched lift in the tunnel, then into a 0-g roll. You then drop into a cobra roll, before doing a vertical loop, then diving under a bridge. You then pop up into a turn before hitting a corkscrew. You the drop down and do another vertical loop and a turn into the mid courses. You then do a small drop into a corkscrew, before you hit the rides dead spot. The next 20 seconds of the ride is pointless turns over a flat plot of sand. Some of them pull a bit of forces but still a wasted opprotunity to maybe throw in one bonus inversion. Still a great ride though.

  • Snorri

    First Drop Thematisierung Sanftheit Kapazität

    I think It got new wheels that is why smoothness it was totally fine my ride on Silver star was rougher

  • MyJump Up

    First Drop Standort Spaß Intensität

    Monster is the newest invert B&m has build, you can tell this ride doesn't focus on the crazy forces anymore. This is a lwoer tier invert howhever it's still a gerat ride. The location is really the highlight on this ride, how they build this in the limited space they got is amazing! The ride it self is solid but nothing crazy. This ride is just pure fun, not to intense or to big, just a nice fun coaster. It does fill in the inversion gap at the park and provides an unique experience. The only weird thing is that this ride already has a rattle, not a big one or one that is annoying, it's just weird? I think it's thanks to the unique support structures they needed to use. But overall it's a solid, fun coaster to ride!

  • raphi Coasters

    Abschuss Rütteln Inversionen

    J'aime bien la théma steampunk de ce coaster, qui ne va pas dutout avec son thème star Wars. Le coaster commence par un launch cool, mais le reste.. Ça vibre, les inversions n'étaient pas agréables, au bout d'un moment on est ébloui par un tunnel, et d'un seul coup me viens un gros maux de tête, j'aurai tellement du prendre un doliprane.. Et le frein m'a bien claqué la tête sur l'arrière du wagon. Ce coaster m'a vraiment déçu..

  • Baptiste Jakic

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Sanftheit Rückhaltebügel

    Pour moi fly est un chef d'oeurvre que ce soit niveau théma immersion on en prend plein là vue la zone est quand à elle majestueuse bourré d'une théma inpécable . Le plus beau c'est quand ont vois la zone de nuit mais surtout quand on fait fly de nuit est là çà envoie du lourd le seul bémole que je pourrais dire ce sont les harnais qui sont à mon sens incorfortable mais sinon le reste est magnifique merci phantasialand d'avoir pu avoir ce coaster dans vôtre parc .