• Julien Vaucher

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Intensität

    Vraiment un très bon coaster ! Son layout est vraiment bon, les changements de directions sont assez ouffs

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Intensität Layout Ejectors Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel

    This ride is super underrated. All though I've been going to Busch Gardens since 2019, I haven't appreciated this ride until my 2 most recent visits during their halloween event. I love the layout. You have two great ejector moments going up into, and down out of the heartline roll. Said heartline roll gives awsome hangtime. The launches are fast and fun, and there are lots of great positive gs. My only complaints are that the trains are very inconvenient to get in and out of. They don't harm the actual ride for me, but the train design is very annoying. The ride is also pretty short. If it was like Galeforce, and had a second lap, this might be top 10 for me. So despite being a flawed ride, this ride still has very strong pros that put it in my top 25.

  • sonhan

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Layout

    Twister was a lovely surprise. such a class and elegant ride, shaped as the traditional pier wooden coaster this packs a lot of punch and surprise for a nice "out of control" feeling experience. first drop well executed and the layout hide some crazy narrow turns. I loved it it beats everything in its category !

  • sonhan

    First Drop Standort Sanftheit Zu kurz Dead spots

    I wasn't expecting anything from Monster and it just did the job. The highlight of the ride is obviously the drop, but after it is quite disappointing and not that intense (at all). The ride is all about filling the empty spot of the inversions-ride in the park. Still an audacious structure, can't admire enough the design and work on the structure, the layout is flying above the alleys since it always been there.

  • sonhan

    Meisterwerk Intensität Layout

    I could have add so many other pros. First of all, ofc this ride isn't perfect but it is a combo of many parameters, all are so well balanced it makes its way very easily to the top: creativity, unique layout, technology, theming & music, intensity, comfort. This is the most fun ride i ever been on, disguised as a high thrills machine this gives the opportunity to family to test their limits without being too impressive imo. Every ride was a slap in my face, couldn't stop laughing and each time was a different experience from the other ones, that says everything ! Front car is the best but every cars worth it, the middle car are sooooo much fun as everybody is looking at everybody, super cosy and real fun experience.

  • Jonathan Lutaster


    Déjà pas fan des powered, mais ici on a la version neurasthénique

  • Andy D.

    Inversionen Meisterwerk Sanftheit

    Une très belle synthèse, je pense, de ce que peut offrir B&M en matière d'inverted "moderne"( seulement 2 modèles sortis en 10 ans, -->Banshee et lui). Très aérien, avec aussi des moments d'intensité, fluide, un layout généreux et 2 vrais zéro G-roll. Vraiment varié et agréable, il comporte beaucoup d'éléments que l'on peut retrouver dans sa catégorie judicieusement mis dans le bon sens. La zone Égyptienne qui l'entoure est également très belle, l'intégration du coaster et ses différents points de vue sont bien pensés.

  • Dinsley 94

    Spaß Meisterwerk Layout

    I don't even know how to explain this experience. I came off this with a massive smile on my face. Back row while facing backwards down the big first drop was one of the craziest things I've experienced riding a coaster. This is the type of ride where you will always come off with a smile on your face while wanting to ride it over and over again!

  • Tropics Tracker

    Spaß Unangenehm Dead spots

    Its kinda there lol

  • El Bucherøn

    Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz

    Un bon ptit B&M punchy, mais quelques dizaines de mètres de plus auraient pas été de refus !