• Lisa Peeterbroeck

    First Drop Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    C'est le premier coaster que j'ai ridé, je ne m'attendais pas ce qu'il soit si mauvais en remontant dedans plusieurs années après, en soit les sensations sont sympa, cependant c'est le mal de crâne assuré tellement ça tape, c'est dommage, je ne poserai plus jamais mes fesses dedans.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    The twisting first drop is great. And that first airtime hill is one of my all-time favorites. Good ejectors and airtimes throughout. My only minor complaint was the ending, which I found a little too abrupt. Otherwise, a great RMC overall.

  • Sam P.

    First Drop Layout Dauer Kapazität

    Sometimes you have a lap round on a ride and something just works out to elevate it to elite standards. Well the spin that I experienced on Dragons Fury exceeded anything I've ever felt on a conventional spinning coaster. It seems to be that if it's just 2 of you in a car, and you ascend the lift facing backwards, it just flings you round down the drop, and then doesn't stop around the entire layout. Absolutely mental. Also does help if the 2 people in question are on the heavy side! Even without accidental beast mode though, it's an excellent ride with a really good layout, very much underappreciated I think, and certainly the best spinning coaster in the country. The capacity does suck though so I'd recommend an off peak weekday to stack up on rides!

  • Sam P.

    Airtimes Layout Dauer Dead spots

    I wasn't really expecting as much from Abyssus as what I got, this is an awesome ride. Super long, loads of great transitions, plenty of airtime moments - the standout being the hill before passing under the station into the batwing, that launches you good - and 2 really decent launches, the second one has some nice force to it. I've put dead spots as a negative but really it's just one dead spot, the big ol' trim on the top hat does kill that element unfortunately, but everything else really feels well thought out and very enjoyable. Its not mega forceful, but it certainly has some moments. Overall though, a really great fun coaster and one that I definitely enjoyed way more than i expected that I would, super comfortable as well with the excellent lap bars and vest. A proper sleeper hit

  • Sam P.

    First Drop Schoßbügel Tempo Rütteln

    Talk about presence. The area around Energylandia is pretty flat, so you can see Hyperion from miles around. It's also visible when flying into Krakow airport which is very cool. Its just massive and with it being the first thing you see of the park, it gets you so hyped to ride. And boy does it live up to that hype. You ascend the lift super fast, then get flung over that first drop. On the back it's seriously insane ejector, and the front is seriously insane hangtime. The best first drop I've ever experienced for sure. The following hill delivers great airtime, before the awesome dive loop turnaround that really whips you through. From there there's more airtime, a mix of floater and serious ejector, and lots of low down intense turns, which is amazing for the speed, it's paced really well and you fly into the brakes. The final hill before the splashdown is a great end as well, proper ejector on that. The front row is incredible but my afternoon ride on the back was right up there as one of my best ever coaster rides. The outer wing seats do have a pretty strong bounce to them, fortunately the trains are super comfortable so it's not a killer, but I do prefer the inside seats for a comfortable ride. It also has a really stupid queue line. But this is one elite ride, and thanks to Zadra's dire trains, its my favourite on park too

  • Sacha B.

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    J’étais assez hypé par ce coaster depuis des années grâce à sa musique mythique et par son layout même si ce n’est qu’un modèle de série. Le mouvement de balancier est vraiment amusant et très surprenant sur les premières chutes qui nous met presque à l’horizontale, une sensation assez étrange mais vraiment agréable pour des amateurs de nouvelles sensations !

  • Sacha B.

    Spaß Dauer

    Un coaster loufoque pour un parc loufoque ! Hummel Brummel est une expérience très spéciale mais amusante qui mérite le détour pour ton RideSystem étrange mais qui est n’empêche assez amusant à chaque tour en plus de sa soundtrack légendaire.

  • TwanTastic

    Expected it to be a little bit longer, the automatic brakes are quite disappointing since they have an huge impact on the experience of this alpine coaster. Lots of jumps though. € 15 per cycle is also really expensive, but this is usual in Austria from what I've heard.

  • Sacha B.

    Tempo Layout Rütteln

    Un coaster qui mérite qu’on se place au last et qu’on le laisse chauffer pour apprécier son plein potentiel. Le layout est franchement intéressant avec des headchoppers vraiment très impressionnants, j’ai vraiment du me baisser par peur de me les prendre. Le gros défaut c’est que le train vibre comme pas possible, c’est assez difficile de vraiment apprécier un ride dessus mais ça reste un coaster sympa à faire

  • Roms Kidd

    Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz Irrelevant Layout

    Un coaster qui sert de découverte pour les tout petits.