• Ilan Nefroot

    Airtimes Abschuss Tempo Rütteln Rückhaltebügel

    Dommage que il vibre un peu sinon très bonne machine

  • Ilan Nefroot

    Hangtime Kapazität Unangenehm Irrelevant

    Bon roller coster pour le famille voir les touts petit mais rien d’exceptionnel et le débit vraiment nul

  • Ben Dixon Music

    First Drop Meisterwerk Hangtime

    Incredible layout, was worried it would seem too short but each element absolutely hits, especially the first drop, outerbank roll and the stall

  • Nick V.


    I support this ride existing solely because Cedar Point is lacking in the family thrill department, and this is a great first 'big' coaster for anyone getting their feet wet. For enthusiasts, it's a great ride to take a quick nap on as it gently rocks you to sleep.

  • Nick V.

    Inversionen Dead spots

    Eh. Rougarou is kinda fun, but completely forgettable. Some good forces and inversions in the first half, but nothing particularly memorable. The second half after the mid-course does absolutely nothing but meander around. The rattle is enough to be a bit annoying but it's not overwhelming. Cedar Point definitely made the right call to convert it to a floorless, and it's not a bad ride by any means, but it's by no means essential. Do it once for the credit, twice if this has a short line on a packed day. You're not really missing out on much.

  • Nick V.

    Standort Komfort Tempo

    This is probably the least objective review I can give - I rode this for the first time at 7 years old, and it is by far my most ridden coaster with an estimated 500 rides over the last 25ish years. I hear the critiques about it - less than stellar layout, not very forceful. Part of that blowback comes from being so highly rewarded by the Golden Tickets for so many years. And I get it, my preference is for ultra-intense coasters, and there's plenty of more recent coasters that are better thrill machines. But there's something about Millennium that transcends its shortcomings and still places it very high in my rankings. One of the best views on any lift hill going up near the lake. Surprisingly intense pullout/overbank that does provide the force people claim isn't there. And speed... so much speed rushing through the most isolated part of the park. There's a magic to it I can't put my finger on, but that magic is still there after all these years.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Tempo Layout Zu kurz

    Orion's only weakness is its length. If it had a couple more elements it would be a contendor for my favorite coaster, but Fury's final hills eek it out. Orion is an outstanding coaster. Ride in the front row near the end of the day and you'll see what I mean. The speed is incredible, the airtime is excellent, and every element brings something unique. The scale of the ride is enormous and every element feels huge. And it has the huge benefit of being a B&M hyper model, with its high capacity and very comfortable restraints. The giga speed and size make this one absolutely world class and somehow my new favorite coaster at Kings Island, beating out the truly incredible Beast, Diamondback, and Mystic Timbers in dramatic fashion and becoming my second favorite Giga, somehow beating out Millennium Force and 305 somewhat effortlessly.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Spaß Dauer Kapazität

    This is more than just a regular kiddie coaster. It has some decent whip and is janky enough to provide force. Also, it manages to run 3 laps and goes over a stream that boats go under, so that's nice. Unfortunately, this is going to have a wait because of the poor capacity and the fact that this isn't a tiny boring kids coaster.

  • Bubble Gaming


    It feels weird to review a ride that barely even is a coaster. There's a few dips and some turns, although they're fun and have some decent laterals. The theming is nice, not as much startling as haunted mansion, which is a good thing. Without theming, it's boring as hell. However, with theming, it's a 2.5 star ride because I don't know how else to rate it.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Intensität Dauer Rütteln

    While Phoenix is the superior wooden coaster, Twister still provides a great experience filled with laterals. The majority of the ride contains laterals, including the double helix surrounding the station. The views from the station are already great in its own right, and the lack of gates lets you take in the view better. Just like phoenix, there were only one train ops on the ride. However, just like phoenix, the operations were great. The lack of seatbelts (just like phoenix) greatly improves the loading times. It's interesting how there's half of a lift, some turns, then more of a lift. Weird, but fun feature that helps improve the build up to the drop. The drops are decent. Despite the focus on laterals, there are some pretty good airtime moments. The ride also lasts a long time with it's almost 4000 foot long course. My main critique is the rattle. It's prominent throughout the ride. With some track work, it can be a pretty great wooden coaster. Even with the roughness, it causes Knoebel's top 3 to be amazing.