• Lucas Verrydt

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Rütteln Unangenehm

    The only thing saving this ride are the trains with very soft leather seats, because this thing is shaky as hell.

  • Lucas Verrydt

    Intensität Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    It's an SLC... Crazy headbanging.

  • Lucas Verrydt

    Airtimes First Drop Schoßbügel

    This thing was amazing! One of the best Mega coasters i've ridden. It has alot of airtime, but no inversions. Altho rides very smooth.

  • Lucas Verrydt

    Schoßbügel Abschuss Sanftheit Zu kurz

    Fun little coaster with a nice thing about it. That being the riders can choose to go either forwards or backwards. Triple launch and rides quite smooth.

  • Nathan Laveuve

    Spaß Dauer Rütteln Unangenehm Dead spots

    Un bobsleig plutôt sympa, moins bon selon moi que celui d Europapark. C'est assez inconfortable et ça vibre. Concernant le layout, c'est mine de rien assez haut, ça doit être impressionnant pour les petits. La longueur est appréciable, mais le gros point noir : les mids-breaks qui sont nombreuses et ralentissent le train de manière brusque, alors que celui-ci venait tout juste de prendre de la vitesse. Néanmoins elles permettent un débit acceptable (les trains partent très souvent) bien que l'attente soit toujours élevée. Concernant la théma, la file d'attente n'a aucune déco mais elle est tout de même sympathique, le ride est plutôt bien intégré dans sa partie basse mais je trouve par contre qu'il fait un petit peu tâche dans la zone Toutatis, avec tous ses supports. Bref à faire une fois.

  • Adam Petersen

    Airtimes Inversionen Hangtime

    Very fun lsm launch coaster with lots of hang time Moments, air time and two launches. Inversion focused coaster. It's not the biggest or fastest but it's a ton of fun! The coaster does a good job of alternating between an inversion/hang time into air time hills, back into an inversion, repeat. Every section of track feels fun, no dead spots and really good pacing. Excited to come ride this again now that I have a season pass

  • Adam Petersen

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    This is a very solid hyper coaster with lots of air time. Always a fun ride, comfortable trains and smooth. Ops are quick and keeps the lines low. I was at the park on Memorial Day weekend and waited less than 15 minutes to ride this.

  • Adam Petersen

    Unangenehm Reißt es ab! Intensität

    This coaster is highly uncomfortable to ride, rough, and the track layout is extremely "generic". Ride it once to check it off the list and will most likely never again. 1. Will bang your head side to side against restraints 2. Like most standing coasters will hurt your man parts 3. Super generic and disappointing layout. Single banked drop into a vertical loop, into double corkscrew. No air time or hang time. The park already has a generic arrow looper so this coaster does not add anything to the lineup.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Dauer Unangenehm

    This was actually really good for a kiddie coaster. It had some pretty good whip to it, but thats mainly because we rode in the back row. It lasted for a long time, because we went 3 times. Something bad about it is the discomfort it brought. It was pretty janky but mainly all kiddie coasters are. This is generally a fun ride and is good for very young thrill seekers.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Thematisierung Spaß Intensität

    I mean, I don’t really know what to write about this. It’s kinda forceless, but that’s because it’s a dark ride (in a way). The theming is good, obviously. It’s fun as well. It only has seatbelts too, so this ride is ok.