Achterbahn Rezensionen
Avengers Assemble: Flight Force - Disneyland Paris - Walt Disney Studios Park
Evrard Alix vor 3 JahrenThematisierung Abschuss Tempo
bon launch pour ce coaster malgré que certains se plaigne d'un lancement trop mou 2,8s pour le 0à 92 top car au moins il se destine au plus grand nombre ,il vous faut quoi pour certains un lancement de 0à100 en 1seconde qui repoussera beaucoup de personne à l'entrée ? Pour moi le meilleur de disney qui te fracasse pas comme le space moutain ,au moins le rock n oll aérosmith tu pouvais l'enchaîner 2 ou 3 fois d'affilé sans soucis avec un très bon thème dommage le thème iron man va le massacrer tout comme la suppression d'armagedon aux studios qui en faisait un parc plus adulte à mon goût ... il y aurait mieux valu pour disney de ne pas toucher l'aérosmith et concevoir un autre roller coaster à part entière sur iron man...déçu de ce choix pour des raisons de coût comme d'habitude. C'était certainement le meilleur roller coaster de disney pour moi ,malheuresement le thème choisi va décevoir et çà sera sans grand intérêt ce changement tout comme space mountain ,un changement de décor ne suffit pas à en faire une nouvelle attraction...un peu dommage que les hauts dirigeants au US n'est pas compris qu'on veut un agrandissement du parc en france et non juste des changements de thème.
Nette Überraschung! Spaß Sanftheit Dead spots Layout Intensität
It's a lot smoother than I was expecting but I'm not rushing back to ride it as fast as possible.
Airtimes Standort Tempo Zu kurz Schoßbügel
This is a very underrated ride. This ride has many moments of strong floater airtime, along with some surprisingly strong laterals. This is put into an aggressive, excellently paced layout that has awsome terrain interaction. It can be very hard to get room on the lap bars, and the ride is pretty short, but it's well worth the wait.
Schoßbügel Tempo Intensität Schoßbügel
This is the closest I've come to feeling like I was going to die on a coaster. First off the restraints are both the worst and best part about this ride. They do get super tight, and would be nice if they didn't, but they don't cause to much discomfort during the ride, and I can still feel all the forces so it's not that bad. However, the restraints are so small, and the way they come down, it makes you feel so exposed, and this is what makes Skyrush what it is. The airtime is the strongest I've experienced. The drop really does feel like the train is going to fly off the tracks. The camelbacks give insane sustained ejector, and the last hill is so intense I couldn't help but just scream every time I went over it. The large bank turns in the first half are also amazing. Since the train has no lateral support, the positive gs push you to the side, and I had to literally re align my body during these turns just to stay upright. The laterals in the second half are on a different level though. Once again, the open trains make these elements much more intense. The stangel dive gave crazy laterlas and airtime, the transition after the stangel dive gave the single most intense moment of laterlas I've ever experienced. My body literally just got folded over and it was insane. The twisted hill also give a very aggressive moment of whip. My favorite part of skyrush is that the ride is always doing something, even the transitions between elements are intense. My favorite seat is the back left wing seat, for the drop, laterals, and the feeling of not having a floor beneath you really adds to the insanity that is this ride. This is solidly in my top three, and it will probably stay that way for a while.
Airtimes First Drop Spaß Dead spots
All though the weakest of the B&M hypers I've ridden, it's still an awsome ride. The whip, and the floater airtime you get over that first drop is amazing. The camelbacks give good sustained floater, and the open trains really let you feel all the speed on this ride. The post mid-corse section could be faster, but it doesn't detract much from the ride.
Nette Überraschung!
Quand je suis arrivé devant ce papi de 1974 je m'attendais à souffrir et au final très agréablement surpris par le confort. On vas pas ce mentir faut pas attendre des sensations de dingue mais il passe super bien.
Airtimes Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Zu kurz
Même avis que pour yukon quad, airtimé, launch puissant thema magnifique
Nette Überraschung! Standort Abschuss
Très bonne surprise sur ce coaster que je pensais moins bon que ça ! Aucune vibrations ressenties de mon côté, cela dépendrait-il des trains?
Airtimes Standort Rütteln
I almost guarantee that this ride would be in my top 10 if I rerode it today, but I can only judge it of my one ride in 2018. I was just becoming an enthusiast back then, and my tolerance for roughness was much lower back then. I do remember the incredible view, and some great airtime, but until I can get a reride, it's one of my lower ranked coasters.
Intensität Rütteln Kapazität Unangenehm
This ride has a solid layout with many intense moments, but the rattle and the standup trains suck up almost all enjoyment out of the ride. The awful operations don't help either.