Achterbahn Rezensionen
Great ride. Was surprisingly smooth for a woody with all the action. Best part was there was literally no wait times. Went 2 days in a 3 day period and 0-5 minute posted wait times both days with basically no waiting. Got to ride in the front. back and middle.
Inversionen Standort Intensität Kapazität Unangenehm
My favorite of the 3 Flying Dutchmen that were built. This is definitely a front row ride because all other rows are just not that great to be honest, except maybe the back if you want some whip and don't mind getting beat up a little.
First Drop Intensität Sanftheit
This is definitely a front row coaster. Very smooth, quite intense after the first drop and first inversion, and with some small moments of airtime. Ride it at the end of your day, the difference between a morning and an evening run is enormous.
When riding forwards, this thing is actually quite fun. Backwards is terrible though.
Airtimes First Drop Sanftheit Zu kurz
Mystic est une belle machine, trop courte malheureusement mais procurant de superbes airtimes qui prennent en intensité à mesure qu’il chauffe ! une first drop geniale et un 0G roll juste parfait ! superbe coaster pour ce parc
Thematisierung Komfort Spaß Zu kurz Kapazität
Ce coaster, qui ressemble a Tami Tami, et très beau, confortable, et fun, mais comme Tami Tami, il est court et a un débit nul...
Spaß Ejectors Headbanging
Très bonne surprise, après lecture des commentaires je m'attendais à souffrir ; finalement je m'y suis beaucoup amusée de cette extrême intensité.
Spaß Sanftheit
Un family coaster finalement très intense, à absolument faire au premier rang :)
Unangenehm Reißt es ab! Irrelevant
Le seul interet fut d'avoir été mon 100 ème Coaster...
Thematisierung Meisterwerk Ejectors