• morgan flay

    Inversions Launch Layout Baffes Théma

    Great rollercoaster with plenty of world class inversions. The theming is sparse in comparison to the other rides in the park. certain seats provide headbanging but it is not that much of a problem compared to other rollercoasters around the country

  • morgan flay

    Bonne suprise ! Longueur Inconfort

    This ride is undeniably a classic but it lacks the ride experience matching its status as an all time great theme park attraction

  • morgan flay

    Théma Débit Déception !

    This ride is a blemish in an otherwise perfectly themed park: Animal Kingdom. The lines are always 30-40 minutes, there is poor theming which neither would be a problem if the ride were any fun

  • morgan flay

    Théma Fun Chef d'oeuvre Trop court

    Definitely the best balance of theming and thrills of any highly themed rollercoaster. I wish they could get that Yeti running again

  • Dave Scott

    Situation Temps mort

    Covered in trims, probably to stave off the worst of the roughness associated with 70's and 80's wooden coasters. As a result, the ride doesn't have any particularly forceful parts. The Beast is nonetheless one of the better surviving examples of the era; and the forest setting and duration are both excellent.

  • Dave Scott

    Forceless, anemic, rough, yet visually impressive. Rather like Gouderix? If it had been smooth, the dull layout would have been exposed even more. The loop was the highlight of the ride, mostly because it offered some sort of excitement. Of course, that had to be removed when the trains were changed. This is the only ride I've ever returned to the station chanting BURN IT! BURN IT! You didn't miss anything missing out on this one.

  • Dave Scott

    Controversially, not a big fan of this one. Great setting, and well looked after, but not a patch on Megafobia. Perhaps suffered from being overhyped somewhat.

  • Dave Scott

    Massively wide trains don't turn very effectively. Like manouvering a bus, not a needle, so is utterly forceless. Nothing technically wrong with it, but not an especially exciting ride past the roll into 1st drop. The "wasteland" theme has been done to death and much better, not least at Alton Towers just up the road.

  • Dave Scott

    Very potent launch and well thought out use of the wing coaster format; getting you very close to the ground at high speed and a couple of fun inversions. HOWEVER, ruined, by 1) dreadful capacity 2) dreadful operations and 3) by being right next to the main gate therefore the queue line is inevitably over-long all hours of the day.

  • Dave Scott

    Situation Déception ! Inconfort A raser !

    I was so disappointed with Boulder Crash in 2006. Fabulous location; but a terribly violent ride. Intensity does not require sitting on a jack hammer for 90 seconds. It's coming to something when I enjoyed the parks Boomerang (admittedly one of the better examples of it's type) rather more! Boulder crash is absolutely screaming for an RMC rescue package, if there ever was one. It's not like the layout even needs much of a change, just needs smoothing out with lighter trains and suspension to soak up the damage.