• Pierre Vaast

    Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Rückhaltebügel

    Un Launch à câble comme on n'en voit plus beaucoup, et faut dire que ça fait le café ! Le lancement est excellent, les virages sont plutôt intenses et entrecoupés d'airtimes légers mais bien agréables. Un layout court mais plutôt efficace. Dommage pour les harnais guillotines, seule fausse note. Je lui préfère tout de même Superman à Warner Australia qui propose en plus un Top Hat et des Camelbacks bien plus prononcés.

  • Pierre Vaast

    Reißt es ab!

    De retour dans les bas-fonds de Vekoma. Ah celui-là a quand même quelque chose d'unique avec une belle ligne droite en sortie de drop avant d'enchaîner les Loops. Au moins elle permet de ne pas prendre de baffes.

  • Pierre Vaast

    Thematisierung Abschuss Intensität Rückhaltebügel

    Une partie Dark Ride très réussite même si l'on sent que c'est un peu plus vieux que Kärnan, puis vient le Launch surprise très puissant, se finissant par un virage intense et un excellent ejector. Et bien on commence fort ! La grande hélice en extérieur est plutôt intense mais provoque deux légères baffes. Le train entre de nouveau dans le bâtiment avec un effet que l'on retrouve étrangement ailleurs dans le parc. Le virage après la drop à 90° étonne en bien quand on ne s'attend pas à ce qui arrive, puis c'est finit. On tient un coaster plus ancien que Kärnan, plus court aussi, mais qui lui ne vibre pas d'un poil et offre juste deux petits claques pas trop méchantes. C'est du tout bon pour Flucht qui est pour moi le meilleur coaster du parc devant son (très) grand frère, et ça je ne m'y étais pas préparé.

  • RAVEL Théo

    Thematisierung Spaß Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    Une théma sympathique, une musique absolument incroyable, un layout fun. En revanche, on est tout de même face à un grand inconfort et des à-coups violents. J'espère que les bruits de couloirs sur une réhabilitation paseront de supposition à la réalité. En conservant la théma sympa et surtout par pitié cette musique inoubliable.

  • Jake McGarry

    Airtimes Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Headbanging Kapazität Unangenehm

    I have very mixed feelings about Saw: The Ride. I have rode it many times and each time there are some things I feel after each ride. The theming on the indoor section and queue line is great. There are many easter eggs for saw fans such as the angel trap used in the filming of Saw 3. The atmosphere also makes you excited for the ride. From police sirens to the occasional announcements from Billy, you are immersed in the ride's storyline even before even entering the station. In the station, two trains are dispatched at once and one passes the small pre-show and heads straight through the indoor section while the other stops. The pre-show is nothing much but makes you even more nervous and continues to build the atmosphere. After the pre-show has finished, the second train heads through a near-vertical drop before stopping at a block section and then proceeding through another drop and heartline roll (my personal favourite inversion). The train then heads outside and you climb up the vertical chainlift before descending the beyond-vertical 100ft drop. The train speeds through an immelmann, dive-loop and an airtime which lifts you out of your seat. You speed through a turn and stop at a block section then head down another small but very steep drop. The layout is finished another dive-loop and hits the brake run. My main criticisms for this ride is it can be rough at times. However, this is only after the first drop and the indoor section remains quite smooth. I find that the roughness of this ride varies ride to ride as sometimes there is alot of headbanging and other times it isn't as bad. Personally, I still find it to be the scariest ride at Thorpe, especially for first-ride riders. However, I think this will change when Hyperia opens next door.

  • Chloe

    Tempo Spaß Rütteln Kapazität

    When I first rode Grand National, I was scared that it was going to be rough (as most coaster enthusiasts say), but it's actually not that bad. Even on the back row, I don't find it painful. The ride itself has good pacing, and it gets more intense towards the end. However, the ride is looking tired and clearly needs a lick of paint, but it still rides fun, and I hope they refurbish it like they did with the Big Dipper. I also think both sides ride the same and don't make a difference, and sitting on a wheel seat doesn't make much difference either. Overall, this coaster is well worth a ride.

  • rushKAPOW37

    First Drop Kapazität Schoßbügel Dead spots Intensität

    For being one of the weaker coasters at Alton Towers, it proves how solid of a lineup they have. Th13teen is a lot tamer than nemesis or smiler and the first elements just meander through the forest. The first drop and drop track are very good though. Oh and I can’t forget the ending launch to infinite mph.

  • Maxime Morange

    Hangtime Rückhaltebügel

    Bonne first drop

  • Chloe

    Standort Spaß Dauer Rütteln Kapazität

    I've ridden this ride quite often, and I was surprised to see it ranked so low on this site. I think this ride is quirky and underrated, and it's a nice one to take a break with.

  • Tate S.

    Inversionen Tempo Ejectors

    It is hard to describe this masterpiece. I was on a long road trip to North Carolina with my family, and somehow convinced them to let me stop here for an hour or so. Up to this point, my only RMCs were New Texas Giant and Iron Rattler, and neither of those could have prepared me for the sheer insanity of this bonkers ride. I knew this one would be better, but holy smokes, this thing is insane. It’s such a comical sight at a park that looks like an old parking lot with temporary rides strewn about, but nonetheless this thing is such a cool anchor point. I’d like to shout out the Fun Spot staff, genuinely some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Someone literally opened the door for me and said, “are you here to ride ArieForce?” then gave me a high five. Like, come on. That’ll get you hyped. The ride though? Holy crap. It’s a blessing to mankind. The first drop is somehow the least memorable moment on the ride which says far less about the drop and more about how world-class the rest of this thing is. It does what you’d expect - floater in the front, ejector in the back. The raven truss dive is super cool, sitting on the red rail side gives you some super good float as you twist into it. The slight banking on entry was a genius move to add a little spice to the dive loop. The following speed hill gives a shocking jolt of ejector and very minor laterals due to the slight turn of the profiling, which then leads to my first zero-G stall. This did not disappoint in the slightest. This moment is engineered to give a perfect zero gravity sensation, it feels like a perfect graceful float. Then, my favorite element on any coaster thus far: the outerbank turn. This is so long and sustained, you are just powerfully thrusted into the lap bar diagonally for seconds on end. Such a powerful and elite moment. I especially loved it on the red rail side as you get thrusted upwards a bit more. Then, the double up gives a quick stab of air into the first hill, then some glorious sustained ejector the whole way down with yet again comical amounts of strength. This then leads into the arcade roll, which is fabulous. It has great (but not painful) whip and leaves you floating the whole time while you do a full rotation. Such a fantastic moment. This leads to a quick outerbank that is better on the blue rail side but still a great surprise, then pulls out into a big sweeping positives-filled turn. Having Titan at my home park, this didn’t delete my braincells too much, but honestly, I loved the diversifying of forces that this pure positives-focused moment offered. Then you do a graceful roll into the most demented moment intentionally designed into a coaster in this century. They call it a “quad down,” but there’s really 6 moments of airtime here. I get the first hill is transitioning you into the finale and the last is just putting you on the brake run, but they were similarly strong. Those main four hills though? Obliterating. So freaking sharp and strong. It reminds me of the ejector moments on Shock Wave at SFOT, just smoother. But the rumors are true, once I hit cycle #4 these things started to hurt because of how freaking strong they were. Call me messed up but I actually loved how bonkers it was. Just fabulous. I do recommend bracing for the final breaks though, I heard it was a screeching halt, but not even Titan’s two harsh full stops could have prepared me. All in all, just saying this is my new #1 does not feel like I’m doing this thing justice. I don’t know if I’ll top this ride for ages. I’m so so glad I got to finally ride a proper new RMC.