• Yvann Le Nahuec

    Sanftheit Rückhaltebügel

    Raptor est mon premier Wing et bien qu'il reste très sympas, j'ai trouvé que ce coaster était un peu fade et qu'il n'apportait pas grand chose de nouveau en terme de sensations. Bien sans plus !

  • Evangelion Martini

    Enttäuschend! Dead spots

    Supremely boring Wild Mouse that almost seems like it's trying due to the pre-show and theming, but ends up just being a low-effort joke on the actual ride itself where very few elements of the theming come through at all. It's literally just another Wild Mouse, but inside of an almost dark room that plays gunshot and train noises.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Thematisierung Inversionen Intensität

    Your typical B&M Floorless coaster but with some dope theming on top. The course has you navigate the layout while being sprayed by mist and encountering some pyrotechnics along the way. You can also visit Scream! at Magic Mountain for the same exact layout albeit mirrored, a bizzaro Bizzaro of sorts.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Spaß Kapazität Zuverlässigkeit

    While S&S Free Spins can be fun, this one has issues. The queue set-up they have for this ride takes ages, and the park procedure has the ops be sticklers about literally anything in your pocket; it's not even just phones, myself as well as some other people I saw were kicked out of line for having stuff like chap stick and candy in their pockets. If that wasn't annoying enough, the ride literally broke down 8 times while I was in queue/on the ride, often stranding people on the ride for like 20 minutes while maintenance crews attempted to get the ride moving again. From my conversations with the ride-ops it would seem that such unreliability is the normal operations of this ride, with all of them saying that Joker is the shittiest ride to work and maintain in the park due to how often it goes down. Unless you're that dedicated for the credit, I'd probably avoid this one.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Inversionen Intensität

    It's another Batman clone. While they're absolutely everywhere, they're still really fun rides; as pretty much all inverts are from my experience. It really does just kinda feel like the B&M Inverted coaster can do no wrong. Worth a ride even if you've ridden the others.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Zu kurz Schoßbügel

    Kinda lame, and definitely and the lower end of the dark rides I've been on. Got stapled pretty hard by the lapbar which probably sucked any of the fun that might have been in the ride out for me.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes First Drop Layout

    Incredible B&M Hyper that's probably the best out of all the hypers I've been on, even managing to come close to some of the gigas that I've ridden. The layout on this thing is just so cool which, combined with the trademark insane floater that all the B&M Hypers have, makes this one of the most memorable rides I've ridden. The hammerhead turn, the helix, and all the airtime hills are just an absolute blast. This one is worth re-ride after re-ride, which you'll probably be able to get with how lightning quick the ops are on this thing.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Layout

    Was surprised by how much I liked this one. While it's not as smooth as Riddler's Revenge at Magic Mountain (probably the best stand-up coaster in the world), I would definitely not call Green Lantern uncomfortable or painful at all. The layout is among the best out of the all the B&M Stand-Up coasters and their Floorless conversions, plus the unique forces that you sustain while standing are always fun. Kinda funny how a ride I expected to hate ended up being my #4 at the entire park.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Inversionen Komfort Intensität Dead spots Layout

    A really fun and smooth B&M Flying Coaster that has just about all you would expect from a coaster of this model, including the notorious pretzel loop. However compared to other B&M flyers like Tatsu, which builds up to the pretzel loop as a sort of grand finale kind of thing, Superman basically blows its load and does the loop almost immediately after the drop. It's not like the pretzel loop is bad on this ride, but it's more that it's like the rest of the ride after almost feels like an afterthought when the best/most intense part of the ride is right at the beginning. Ride in the back for the most intensity through the pretzel loop.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    The best woodie I've ever ridden, hands down. The drop, the huge airtime hills, the rapid turns, the everything, all serve to give a truly unforgettable ride. If El Toro isn't at or near the top of your list of bucket list coasters, it should be. Every coaster enthusiast worth their salt has to get out to Great Adventure and ride El Toro; you just have to.