• Reak M.

    Nette Überraschung! Intensität Headbanging Layout

    The best place to ride this was the 2nd to back row, right seat. That back spike in that seat was almost overwhelming when you quickly twist with little obstruction to the ground below.

  • Reak M.

    Airtimes Inversionen Layout Rütteln Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    I genuinely think that this is one of the best roller coaster layouts I've ever experienced. It's just too bad that the ride is rough and the seating is uncomfortable.

  • Lilian G.

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Spaß Rütteln

    Après 15 tours effectués en une journée sur à peu près toutes les places, ce coaster est une dinguerie. De vrais airtimes, un très bon top hat, et quasiment aucun temps mort. Encore mieux en fin de journée ! Attention quelques fois aux vibrations sur toutes les places sauf la 1ère. Ce n’est pas dérangeant mais elles sont bien présente tout de même.

  • Kiki

    Thematisierung Abschuss Meisterwerk

    Taron est un concentré de punch ! Une intro avec une musique exceptionnelle puis un stop et un launch plutôt bien dosé pour nous amener aux 2/3 de la vitesse maximale en enchaînant ensuite les éléments sinueux à travers Klugheim. Le décors qui l'entoure est juste somptueux, le rock work nous laisse sans voix. La file d'attente en elle même est une expérience auditive avec les bruits des launch et de la musique de Taron. Ensuite viens le second launch qui est le bruit le plus satisfaisant de la terre et qui nous propulse avec une telle force que la seconde d'après s'ensuit un ejector avec un camelback bien dosé et des changements de directions maîtrisé à la perfection qui nous amène vers les freins finaux, on en redemande ! Un pur chef d'oeuvre⭐

  • Chermaine S.

    Schoßbügel Spaß Sanftheit Intensität

    It's a nice ride, but just doesn't do too much in terms of forces.

  • Chermaine S.

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    It misses some nice rave music, otherwise it would've been an amazing indoor coaster! As it is right now it still was a nice surprise.

  • Chermaine S.

    Unangenehm Layout

    Some violent laterals there. I hate wild mice :(

  • Ewan Dagnall

    Airtimes Standort Hangtime Rütteln

    I went to Plopsaland De Panne on a theme park holiday with my mate. I was looking most forward to RTH as i knew from the POVs that it would blow me away. From the moment the ride started, i was in complete shock. The first hang time reliant inversion out of the station really leaves you out your seat, especially in the front. This is then followed by a launch, which is just crazy with the added spinning and is intact, very punchy for a Mack launch. You then head up a top hat, which on the front, pushes you into the top. After a 90 degree turn with a small outerbank, you head down the top hat, with the back row getting some incredible ejector airtime. This is then followed by a banana roll, which really creates a feeling of not knowing where you are, followed by a vertical loop. After that, you head into a zero g roll which is absolutely incredible. Once you have banked round to the side into another airtime hill, you make your way into the second launch, which has an airtime hill. You then make your way into a jojo roll (or I believe that’s the name). This inversion is crazy no matter where you are sat. Once banked round, you head into 2 final ejector hills which really do pack a punch. From start to finish, this coaster has no dead spots or bad elements, and the onboard audio really adds a sense of fast pace and intensity to the ride. The theme of the ride fits the coaster type and natural surrounding area perfectly, and the theming is very immersive and modern. This coaster is my current number 1, and can guarantee that it will be hard for a coaster to overtake it. My only criticism to this coaster is that there is a slight rattle towards the end, however this does not take away from the ride experience in my opinion. Well done Plopsaland, you have got yourself a world class rollercoaster.

  • Julien F

    Dauer Rütteln Enttäuschend!

    Quelle déception ce coaster. Il vibre tout au long du parcours, ce qui fait que l’on ne peut pas vraiment profiter du ride. En espérant un retrack (RMC) très bientôt.

  • Timeo Stella

    Spaß Meisterwerk Sanftheit

    Toutatis est un pure chefs d'oeuvres "pour moi" . On as de la chance d'avoir l'un des meilleurs coaster d'Europe voir du monde!