Achterbahn Rezensionen
Pretty standard kids' ride with good scenery.
Spaß Dauer
The Dragon is a fun ride. Would be absolutely incredible for kids. Leaves a bit to be desired for enthusiasts though.
Thematisierung Komfort Sanftheit
Great kids' ride. Comfortable and smooth. Thomas Land is very well done.
Inversionen Spaß Zu kurz
I love the zero G roll on this, especially in the back left seat. Fun ride.
Standort Spaß Layout
This is a great ride. Flying above the forest and the midway is a great feeling. The dive into the tunnel and the sharp turn with the swinging car was great fun.
Thematisierung Spaß
Would be an incredible coaster for a young kid. Brilliant theme with moving elements and some great effects to it.
Airtimes Thematisierung Spaß Dead spots
You can get some good airtime on the drops. Fun coaster but it's a pretty standard steel wild mouse. Decently well themed.
Tempo Spaß Layout
I find this better than spinball whizzer. The drop and the turnaround element on this are so good. The rest of the ride continues to deliver right until the final brakes.
Nette Überraschung! Spaß Intensität
My ride on this was absolutely incredible. I have ridden way too many spinning wild mouses in my time, but this is definitely the best one. It ran with no trims and was absolutely relentless with four of us in the car.
Unangenehm Irrelevant Dead spots
The worst "coaster" I have ridden to date. The entire ride is an uncomfortable pointless dead spot. I didn't even bother with the other two credits, and that's rare for me.