• Alexander Shaffer

    Airtimes Rütteln Zuverlässigkeit

    I'm not to sure what the hype around Phoenix is, its an okay wood coaster. I rode it once and it got stuck going up the lift hill twice as well as waiting at least 20 minutes of them cycling the carts around with nobody inside. I feel knoebels does great for a lot of rides, but not coasters.

  • Alexander Shaffer

    Inversionen Layout

    Great inversion coaster for more casual people. The line was much longer than expected but mostly worth the wait.

  • Alexander Shaffer

    Airtimes Standort Dauer Kapazität

    Great ride all around not too crazy but not tame either, would recommend to most people. The location is great it's at the front so the line is filled fast but the warp around the fountain makes it great just to see from the ground.

  • Ashlin Orrell

    Thematisierung Unangenehm

    I didn't like this ride. Its janky and made me feel sick. If you're not overly fussy and don't have motion sickness then you'll maybe have fun with it.

  • Nico Sy

    Nette Überraschung! Tempo Dauer Thematisierung Unangenehm

    Superbe mine train comprenant un layout d'une très bonne durée. Quand on connaît la capacité du parc et ses limitations au niveau de l'espace, on est là sur un coup de génie! Le ride est vif, c'est nerveux et tellement agréable à la fois. Le lift lui commence gentiment pour nous aspirer totalement dans les derniers mètres de la montée. La première drop franchement plaisante est passée directement à la suite d'un premier gros airtime en back row. S'ensuit une série de trois parties bien distinctes, longues, plaisantes et intenses entrecoupées de deux lifts mid layout. Léger avantage tout de même au second passage surprenant et brutal. A tête reposé, ça me rappelle franchement la toute dernière partie de BTM. Un mine train Vekoma qui joue clairement dans la cour des grands. On en sort presque abasourdi tellement la surprise est grande, d'autant plus qu'il est plus tout jeune ce mine train. Les virages sont assez brusques il faut donc se tenir pour ne pas écraser son voisin et vice-versa. Allez, autre très léger bémol me concernant sur la théma un peu faible, ce qui ne changera en rien la donne tant ce coaster est jouissif. J'apprécie aussi le fait que le layout se faufile autour de Chiapas nous donnant quelques points de vue spectaculaires et non négligeables.

  • Ashlin Orrell

    Sanftheit Zu kurz Kapazität

    I dont really see the point of these boomerang models. It doesn't do anything and capacity is poor. Ride is short and boring.

  • Ashlin Orrell

    Thematisierung Sanftheit Dauer Dead spots

    This is a fun ride which packs a punch in parts. It runs very smoothly which I appreciate but it has some lacklustre elements. I also found the ride didn't run consistently with some rides feeling faster than others. But still the best ride at the park.

  • Ashlin Orrell

    Thematisierung Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    I thought I'd love this ride but found it very disappointing. It was impossible to fully enjoy because the harness and positioning is so uncomfortable. I also didn't live the layout. There's a lot of positive G which made the discomfort worse. With flying coasters I like to feel like I'm soaring through the air. This one just felt all too compact and not very graceful.

  • Alexander Shaffer

    Airtimes First Drop Abschuss Zu kurz

    Honestly one of if not the best ride ever, I see a lot of people complain about the constraints but I never had any discomfort on the ride (Granted i'm underweight and skinny as hell.) I would recommend to any thrill seekers in the area to ride this at least once, that being said if your more casual I would skip Skyrush for now.

  • K1000 Tem

    Airtimes First Drop Unangenehm Intensität

    Bon coaster mais fait trop mal à mon goût, super first drop surtout en last row.