• Loctite Ezechiel

    Spaß Sanftheit Kapazität

    Un parcours bien tracé et fun. Par contre le débit est lent dans ces petites chariotes.

  • Loctite Ezechiel

    Thematisierung Spaß Unangenehm

    Le Bg Thunder Mountain version Wish. La thema est tout à fait correcte. Attention au freinage sec.

  • Loctite Ezechiel

    Layout Rütteln Unangenehm

    Tracé sympa. Joli de l'extérieur mais ça claque. Inconfort assuré. Dommage.

  • Loctite Ezechiel

    Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit Zu kurz

    Un Wooden qui ne vibre pas. Vraiment ? Le parcours est fluide sans chocs. Un peu court tout de même.

  • Loctite Ezechiel

    Spaß Sanftheit

    Super agréable. Le parcours est original, on traverse l'eau, la thématique est géniale avec Médusa qui nous enguele et nous crache dessus. Le coaster familial par excellence.

  • Loctite Ezechiel


    Certains se souviennent de Los Piratas, le dard ride en bateau. On garde la même structure pour en faire un coaster bien thématisé. C'est du classique mais bonne surprise. Agréable et fluide.

  • MapleFlakes

    Abschuss Intensität Rütteln

    Kingda Ka, at least for me, was an incredibly unique and transcendent experience; it's very hard to put into words the experience of being launched at 128 miles per hour and 456 feet into the air. It's nearly impossible to comprehend what is happening as you rise to the highest point on a roller coaster in the world at absurd speeds before plummeting back down to earth. Riding in the front row is an absolute necessity on this ride; feeling your face be almost ripped apart by the sheer speed of the ride is wild. I will say, riding in the back row does feel a bit like being inside of a blender. It doesn't completely ruin the experience, but it certainly isn't the most comfortable place to ride. Unrelated to the coaster itself, I love the bamboo-surrounded queue. I really felt transported to another location in a way that no other regional amusement park has achieved. Kingda Ka is a coaster icon for good reason, and I heavily encourage getting out to Great Adventure to experience this monstrosity because its days are likely numbered. 9.5/10 - how did we let New Jersey get such an important world record come on

  • Charles Muckenhirn

    Airtimes Tempo Intensität Kapazität Rückhaltebügel

    Un très bon launch coaster Intamin , avec une bonne sensation de vitesse ; un launch assez efficace suivi d'un top hat avec un joli airtimes à la clé . Le reste s'enchaînent bien sans aucun temps mort mais où les harnais de m***** commenceront à se faire sentir . Par contre la partie après les MCBR est très oubliable et ne sert à rien . Avis de 2019 : le coaster est devenue assez désagréable assez dur de profiter du ride tant on se mange ces foutu harnais à la c** . Perso 1 seul tour m'a suffit tant il devient violent . Par contre le parcours est toujours aussi bon . Ce qui est encore plus frustrant .

  • Nate Anderson

    Airtimes Kapazität Komfort

    This ride is flow state embodied in steel and wheels. Waiting in line never felt so good. Double drop: unprecedented. Legends are born here.

  • Mark C.

    Thematisierung Standort Dauer Reißt es ab! Dead spots Schoßbügel

    I went to Cedar Point with my groomsmen for my bachelor party and we had an absolute blast. At the end of the visit, everyone rated their favorite and least-favorite rides and Cedar Creek Mine ride was easily people's least favorite. Because their comments about it were cracking me up, I decided to allow every one of them to write a personal statement about their experiences. Here they are: Cameron: “I was as enthralled as the pieces of coal in cart transport would have been in the 1800s” Will: “Cedar creek mine ride is exactly the coaster you need it to be. Ranging from dumpster fire that should be torn down, all the way to hidden gem that makes it into your top 3 coasters for the park. It is rated.” Robert: "Gets better every time I ride it so by the year 2078 it should be the best coaster in the universe" Mark (me): “The owner of a nearby Diner in Sandusky said she doesn’t even consider this a rollercoaster… that’s all you need to know” Nate R: "Is it a kiddy ride or is it a coaster? Each turn will keep you guessing! Don’t sleep on this ride, as the period piece is equipped with some rips and turns and arm-choppin’ hazards" Matthew: "About as thrilling as mowing my lawn, which for the record is a very relaxing activity I enjoy. 10/10" and "It’s easy to mistake this ride for watching PBS Antiques road-show with mom. Unexpected but welcome surprise." Tanner: "At only 5 years younger than BS, Mine Ride should command the same respect. Anything less is intellectual dishonesty. Oh, but be sure to keep your hands inside the vehicle." Nate A: "Almost as bad as Magnum XL 200, this ride brought my headache from a 2 to a 6."