• Chris J.

    Abschuss Hangtime

    Solid coaster. The loop is cool and so are all the launches. It is a bit short and ends anti-climactically, but it's a fun ride.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Standort Abschuss

    I think this ride is often overlooked, but it's really good. It has a great first launch and a couple of really solid moments of airtime, especially in the front.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Standort Intensität

    Raven is great. The first drop is super underrated and the journey out into the woods and over the lake is great. The big hill in the middle of the ride provides great airtime and from there you pick up so much speed. Great laterals until the brake run.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Sanftheit Layout

    One of the better GCIs I have done. I thought it was very smooth and had a good well-rounded layout. Each element provided either good airtime or laterals. I don't think it was the most intense GCI I have done and it didn't have a super standout moment, but it is a complete ride that is smooth and re-rideable.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Standort Intensität

    One of my favorite GCI's. It runs fast and provides great airtime the whole time. It's also in a phenomenal location and has some great moments of laterals like during the final helix. For sure the highlight of the park for me.

  • Jn L.

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Dauer

    it will probably be quite a long time before i ride a coaster better than this. endlessly re-reideable for me and by far and away the best experience i've ever had with a roller coaster

  • Mason Newton

    Inversionen Hangtime Dauer Headbanging

    Dominator is a very good floorless with some good positives and inversions. In the front row you get some very good hangtime on the loop and an overall smoother ride experience, but the back row is more whippier and provides for a better first drop and a little bit of airtime off the MCBR. No matter where you sit, be ready for some mild headbanging in the second half, especially as you’re going through the corkscrews. While it is not too bad of a buzzkill, it is very much noticeable and can provide for some discomfort. That aside, it’s a good, long ride with plenty of great, snappy elements.

  • thetriplicity gamers

    Thematisierung Komfort Spaß Headbanging Dead spots

    Cured my Fear of Rollercoasters

  • randombeans

    Dauer Thematisierung Enttäuschend! Irrelevant

    Bring back X. The theming is absolutely pointless in Walking Dead. Just a few mannequins, a couple TV screens, long corridors and some ridiculously loud sounds for no reason whatsoever. The pre-show doors are faulty so unless you've been on the ride before many just seem to stand there not knowing what to do. Get X back, a rave is more fun than watching a TV screen.

  • Daniel Woodward

    Airtimes First Drop Rütteln Schoßbügel

    Very enjoyable but rough GCI, the restraints are a bit weird and it can be a bit rough at parts but all in all, it's pretty good