• Jude H.

    Spaß Intensität Sanftheit

    Call me crazy but I prefer the first drop on Oblivion than on this ride. Everything else on this ride is exceptional though. The ride has incredibly strong positive G's, smooth tracking and one intimidating holding break. I like this one.

  • Jude H.

    Inversionen Intensität Sanftheit Enttäuschend!

    Honestly, it's overrated, but that doesn't stop me from liking the ride. I really enjoyed all of the forceful inversions that this ride provides. It's also very smooth. I just don't think it's as good as some others say it is.

  • Jude H.


    The Holy Grail of all things thrilling, this is Iron Gwazi. A fantastic coaster which left me completely speechless by the end of the ride. It seems to have done everything right, all the elements are amazing, not one element is bad in any way. The ride is impeccably smooth. The ride is incredibly comfortable. The ride has an amazing colour scheme both on the track and on the façade. The only problem is that I rode it only once and wish to ride it again. Thankyou so much to everyone involved in creating a masterpiece of a thrill ride.

  • Jude H.

    Thematisierung Enttäuschend!

    This ride is beautiful but lacks in anything else. The ride aims to be thrilling but acts like a family coaster so leads to disappointed expectations. It's a shame because it has some very good theming and I remember the vertical loop being quite good but the ride's just too weird.

  • Jude H.


    For a kid's coaster it's really well themed and packs a punch. Just can't rank it any higher because it's a kid's coaster.

  • Jude H.

    Tempo Spaß Intensität

    I'm sad to see it go because this ride was sooooo much fun. It had some truly wild drops and turns whilst all in complete darkness. Definitely the best ride at Tokyo Disneyland.

  • Jude H.

    Spaß Kapazität

    It's pretty solid for what it is. Make sure you have express pass though because omg that queue is horrendous.

  • Jude H.

    Komfort Spaß Sanftheit Irrelevant Airtimes

    It's just fine. It's very smooth and having a choice of soundtrack is always nice but the ride was just a bit boring. There's a little airtime and I guess some nice positive G's but that's kind of it force wise. This is especially problematic since the ride is trying to be thrilling and yet it's not. Still, it's not bad, I remember riding it and enjoying but don't go in expecting much.

  • Jude H.

    Inversionen Intensität Rütteln

    It was overall very good with some very forceful inversions but for me it had way too much of a rattle for it to be enjoyed more than I should have. I usually don't mind a rattle but whilst experiencing high G-forces it was not the most comfortable. Still, this ride is un-hinged!

  • Jude H.

    Komfort Spaß Sanftheit

    This ride is pure bliss from start to finish. Having visited after it had snowed was truly magical as you listened to some great onboard audio whilst whipping left to right on each turn whilst cold air blows in you face and the ground is coloured a beautiful white. I might be biased for this one due to the weather but I love this ride.

  • Jude H.

    Spaß Dauer

    This ride is an absolute blast from start to finish. It may not be too forceful but it delivers one of the best experiences I've had on any coaster. There are some hilariously profiled turns and loads of weird elements that just leaves you laughing loads once you hit the break run. Plus, it lasts for flipping ages! Love this one.

  • Jude H.

    First Drop Inversionen Intensität Zu kurz

    I usually don't scream on roller coasters, but I did on this one. This ride is INSANE from start to finish with some crushing G-force, incredible weightlessness and unique elements you can't get anywhere else. This is the only coaster where a rattle actually improves the coaster, making it even crazier. The only downside is that it's a bit short but it's still a world class thrill.

  • Jude H.

    First Drop Abschuss Sanftheit Dead spots

    This ride has a very good launch, solid beyond-vertical drop and some good inversions. It's not too forceful but it's very smooth. Very long ride as well. Overall, a solid attraction.

  • Jude H.

    It just exists.

  • Jude H.

    First Drop Thematisierung

    I haven't ridden it in a while but I remember it being good with a nice first drop in the back row. Not much else though.

  • Jude H.

    Thematisierung Sanftheit

    I haven't ridden it in a while but I remember it being fun.

  • Jude H.

    Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit

    Haven't ridden it in a while but I remember it being fun with some nice drops and beautiful theming.

  • Jude H.

    Airtimes Spaß Thematisierung

    Haven't ridden it in a while but it's very fun with some good drops and hair pin turns. Let's hope a retheme happens soon.

  • Jude H.

    Standort Intensität Headbanging Unangenehm

    I wasn't battered but only because I was riding defensively which was very uncomfortable and I still got headbanging. It's such a shame since the layout is really good and I love the presentation of the ride. If you give it a full retrack and new trains it would be an excellent coaster worth riding at the park.

  • Jude H.

    Spaß Zu kurz

    Better than other kiddie coasters but otherwise just exists.

  • Jude H.


    This ride didn't do much for me. No airtime or laterals, just a very standard wooden coaster which doesn't ride too rough.

  • Jude H.

    Unangenehm Reißt es ab! Irrelevant

    If I could give it 0 stars I would. What the hell is this thing? It's incredibly boring, painful, ugly and pointless. There are no redeeming qualities with this ride. The problem is I have to ride it two more times to get 2 more credits :(. It had the potential to be fun but really wasn't.

  • Jude H.

    Rütteln Enttäuschend! Airtimes

    Not only is this ride horrendously rough and jolty, but it provides very little thrill with absolutely no airtime. I don't know if it was running poorly that day or something but omg it was awful.

  • Jude H.

    Airtimes Ejectors Rütteln Kapazität

    Grand National is a fantastic coaster. The ride is purely out of control with its crazy airtime and laterals. It may be rough but is excused because it really adds to the craziness.

  • Jude H.

    Airtimes Intensität Ejectors Rütteln Kapazität

    Grand National is a fantastic coaster. The ride is purely out of control with its crazy airtime and laterals. It may be rough but is excused because it really adds to the craziness.

  • Jude H.

    Nette Überraschung! Zu kurz Kapazität

    This ride is great. It packs a surprising punch despite its unappealing stats and still rides relatively smoothly. It is a bit short but the thrills it provides is enough to satisfy me.

  • Jude H.

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Intensität Zu kurz Kapazität

    It's really fun with some good airtime and a forceful loop but it doesn't do much beyond that so 3 stars seems like a fair rank.

  • Jude H.

    Airtimes Komfort Sanftheit Abschuss

    This ride is fantastic, with its amazing airtime, inversions, long duration and its incredibly comfortable restraints. I also love the colour scheme and soundtrack of this amazing ride.

  • Jude H.

    Rütteln Zu kurz Thematisierung

    This was not fun. Not only was it rough but it was just boring. Nothing happened on the ride. Even kiddie coasters are more interesting than this.

  • Jude H.

    Intensität Kapazität

    Ignore what everyone says, this ride is unhinged in the best way possible.