it may just exist but at least it has some nice theming. The Queue is often the biggest in the park though which is unusual for a park with major coasters but it is what it is.
Thematisierung Spaß
You've got to love this classic. It has some small pockets of forces and some nice landscaping around. What makes this ride though is the atmosphere. Everyone is having a good time no matter what your age is and the staff know it and they join in the fun too. I can't rank it any higher though because it is just a kid's coaster. Still means its a good ride!
Nette Überraschung! Intensität
I like this one. It doesn't get talked about that much in the community but it packs more of a punch than rides like Galactica or even TH13TEEN. It's not amazing by any means but still offers a very fun and wild ride experience.
Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit Dauer Dead spots
It's a fun family coaster which has its moments but definitely has its weaknesses. Plus the queue is always huge and not worth it. You've got to love the drop track though :).
Airtimes Abschuss Zu kurz Dead spots
I think this ride is very underrated. that launch is extremely good and the hills pack some decent airtime depending on the day. Other than that, the ride doesn't do too much. it's still a solid ride though.
First Drop Sanftheit Zu kurz
I like this ride but I can't rank it any higher just because of the actual ride experience. The drop is very good and the pull-out has some good positive G's but that's it. I get it's a prototype but that doesn't mean it can get away with its flaws. I always ride it when I go to Towers, but I can't help but not be bothered with this ride.
Inversionen Spaß Sanftheit Dead spots
It's fun, but not amazing. You've got to love the fly-to-lie though :).
Airtimes Thematisierung Spaß
By day, this is the best family coaster in the UK. By night, it's the BEST ROLLER COASTER in the UK. Having had ERT on this attraction at night on multiple occasions, I can safely say this ride is nuts. It has some crazy airtime and laterals which are combined with that amazing wood coaster feel. I love this ride.
Inversionen Intensität Layout Thematisierung
I loved this ride ever since I first rode it. The inversions all flow really nicely and have some incredible force to them. The ride is also incredibly long and even mixes in some airtime. I absolutely hate the theme, the queue and the soundtrack though, being stuck in a moist cage whilst obnoxious people bump into you whilst listening to a deafening theme song over and over again is really not my cup of tea. Still an amazing coaster though.
Thematisierung Tempo Intensität Rütteln
What a ride this is. Its intense, whippy and incredibly well themed. You really do feel like your feet are gonna crack against the rocks. I much prefer it to the original since I didn't like the harsh headbanging that has now disappeared. shame about the rattle though but I'm not too bothered.
Nette Überraschung!
I haven't ridden it in years, but I remember it packing a punch. Can't rate it any higher though.
I can't remember much of the ride since I haven't ridden since its buffalo years, but I remember liking it. That being said, its just a kid's coaster so I can't rank it too high.
Thematisierung Tempo Sanftheit
This is my favourite Vekoma Family Boomerang. Not only is it fun but surprisingly intense, smooth and well themed. its a very solid attraction.
Schoßbügel Inversionen Intensität Zu kurz Kapazität
It's a lot better than the original, being smoother and more comfortable which is always a positive. The Zero-G roll is very whippy as well. Drayton Manor needs another train on it though since the operations are ridiculously slow with just the one.
Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit Dead spots
Its a very good family coaster with some cool gimmicks.
This was my first coaster so I like it for sentimental reasons, but other than that, it just exists.
Thematisierung Dead spots
For a family coaster, it's quite fun. If you're in the back car, you'll be pulled down those drops like a ragdoll. The dark ride section's a nice touch too. Other than that, this ride's just a family coaster, nothing more.
Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Intensität Kapazität
Yes it is basic and may not be the most comfortable, but this ride is an absolute blast! It has some punchy drops, wild turns and some very nice theming. The capacity is very bad again, Chessington employees don't fill the train fully so you may see people riding in a car on their own which just annoys me.
Nette Überraschung! Standort Dauer Rütteln Kapazität Dead spots
Its a fun family coaster with a nice setting and some good swinging on the turns, but with some very poor operations. I swear it takes 5 minutes to send one train. The layout's also quite weird and the ride has started to age.
Thematisierung Komfort Abschuss Rütteln
This is surprisingly good. it doesn't look it but it packs a punch. The launches have a decent kick to them, the turns have nice positive Gs and the inversion has very nice hangtime. Just a shame the ride's a bit rattly. Ignore what people say about the capacity as well. They have fast dispatches and the train holds a lot people which for a park like Chessington is very much needed.
Tempo Spaß Layout Kapazität Zuverlässigkeit
Its pretty good, lots of spinning and punchy drops. Just a shame its capacity is poor. Seriously, Chessington if you're reading this, get the operators to do faster dispatches and load the cars FULLY not half full because that's just stupid.
It just exists.
Thematisierung Komfort Enttäuschend! Irrelevant
It's OK, the coaster is fun I suppose. Don't like all the annoying corridors and loud noises, they're just really annoying at this point.
Inversionen Hangtime Headbanging Unangenehm Zuverlässigkeit
If its running well, its very fun, but that's not usually the case. The ride has disgusting restraints which when pared with an intense layout can create some discomfort and headbanging.
Thematisierung Inversionen Intensität
You can't go wrong with a B&M invert, and this is no exception. Very whippy and intense with some nice landscaping. Its also very smooth.
First Drop Kapazität Abschuss Zu kurz
This ride definitely packs a punch, with arguably the strongest launch on any roller coaster I've ridden. The top hat also delivers some great airtime. It's also surprisingly reliable compared to other rides of its kind, combine that with fast dispatches and you've got yourself a very re-ridable coaster.
Airtimes Thematisierung Layout
This one's a personal favourite of mine, with its very fun elements and cool theming. Some say its rough and whilst I can feel a rattle, its not as strong other coasters that I've ridden and is completely tolerable. There's no headbanging for me which is also a plus.
First Drop Thematisierung Hangtime Zu kurz Enttäuschend!
This ride is very good but something about it just doesn't sit right with me and I can't quite put my finger on it. The first drop is excellent, the theming is very good and the ride is still smooth to this day. For me, however, the ride just doesn't impress me as much as other rides even in its own park can achieve, and I'd much rather re-ride coasters like Hyperia, Nemesis Inferno and Stealth more than this coaster. Still, its very fun and I always ride it when I go to the park.
Airtimes Komfort Intensität Zuverlässigkeit
This ride is fantastic from start to finish. Some of the elements this ride has are out of this world, from its first drop to the incredible outer-banked airtime hill. Some say its short, I say its complete. There's not an element on this ride that feels lacklustre or pointless. It all flows together incredibly. The restraints are some of the best in the business too. Its definitely the best in ride in the entire country.