Airtimes Meisterwerk Ejectors
Genuinely why is this ride so hated? People are just homophobic, y’all don’t like to peg a sus??? Fr tho the lateral/negative jolts on this are insanely fun why are y’all complaining that they’re negatives?
Nette Überraschung! Standort Spaß
Best in the park, super surprising ride, loved the spinning!
Airtimes First Drop Spaß
This was super surprising to me… such a fun ride with good pops of airtime & nice laterals. Pretty smooth ride as well. Thank God that Gene Staples saved this park, because it’s one of the closest parks to me, but I didn’t ride it until after he had saved it. So grateful I did. Also first true roller coaster I’ve ever gotten my dad to ride. Probably the first & last. Good times.
Standort Enttäuschend! Unangenehm Dead spots
Very minimal airtime & very rough. The location is pretty nice though! Definitely not the best in the park, this ride kinda sucks, just like Lake Compounce itself.
Airtimes Intensität Layout
At first I thought this ride was disappointing. being my 300th credit. However I really warmed up to this ride & now prefer it to 99% of people I know who have ridden it! The key is you have to make sure your restraint is as close to your knees as possible, that way the airtime will be felt to the max. This coaster has an amazing blend of airtime & intensity & the pacing is absolutely wicked. It’s such a long ride & it doesn’t stop. Definitely my favorite coaster in the park & a truly underrated ride.
Airtimes First Drop Enttäuschend! Unangenehm
This ride is definitely decent, but it’s become so overrated over the years. The first half is great, it feels like Voyage’s first half but even better. Fun drop, good floater airtime on the hills, but the 2nd half is pretty bad. Minimal airtime & it gets kinda rough. My back was hurting by the end of the ride. If they ended it after the first half it would be a better ride. There‘s definitely better CCIs out there.
First Drop Inversionen Hangtime Zu kurz Enttäuschend!
This is unfortunately the worst RMC I’ve ridden, however that doesn’t mean it’s bad. In fact it can still be a good ride, which it is. The first drop is fun, though overrated. The stall is pretty fun. And the other random hills & inversions are good but there’s just such few elements on this ride. It is maybe my favorite in the park even though I sound like I’m badmouthing it. It is a very good ride, just don’t expect a newer RMC.
Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Spaß Zu kurz
For most of my visit until New Texas Giant passed it up, this was my favorite ride in the park. Though it may be lacking the intensity, it has the fun factor of the spikes, the backwards floater & the splash to make up for it. SFOT is one of the hottest parks ever so it’s nice to get cooled off & still get some thrills in on this. I wouldn’t mind more parks adding this ride even as a clone, maybe even add more track to it, either way it would be awesome!
Airtimes Komfort Spaß Dead spots
This is one of the weakest RMCs with pretty weak airtime overall, but there’s a few moments in there with ejector. The drop is super good as well. I was really disappointed at first with this ride, but it grew on me. Don’t expect anything like the newer RMCs, but it has its fun moments.
Airtimes First Drop Layout
You can only do so much with a first drop & a vertical loop, but it gives great airtime, then you get to do it all again backwards. If you sit in the front, the backwards drop will be better, if you sit in the back, the normal drop will be better. In the back though the pop back up into the station is super fun. If you’re scared of heights though, the stairs on this can startle you lol, they remind me of water slide stairs but metal.
First Drop Thematisierung Spaß
For sure not the craziest ride out there, but the first drop in the back is absolutely amazing, the twisted hill is awesome & I love the pop into the 2nd launch. Crazy airtime. The launches themselves are alright & the inversions are just fun. While this isn’t a world class coaster, it is probably my favorite at Silver Dollar City.
Spaß Ejectors
This ride exists for one reason only… the 2nd drop. That has ejector in any row. This is also the sketchiest park so you can imagine how close you can get to the track off ride. These rides are just so funny to me.
Standort Spaß Dead spots
Doesn’t have very many forces besides one good airtime hill, but it’s mostly a pretty peaceful ride, not too rough. I just loved the ops on this & the riders… the station was seriously filled with a bunch of teenagers, it was a madhouse in there with a bunch of gen z humor. Probably not the safest environment but it was funny.
Schoßbügel Standort Spaß Rütteln
This ride has some good laterals & decent airtime, but definitely stay away from a wheel seat on this one. Best part of the ride are the ride ops by far. They don’t always check the restraints & the dude was vaping while operating while on his phone. Very unsafe but it was hilarious.
Meisterwerk Layout Ejectors
This is now the best roller coaster I’ve ever ridden. This has the strongest series of airtime hills on a coaster. ArieForce is seriously underrated because every thoosie raves about new RMCs except for this one, when this one deserves the most praise. Y’all wanted more airtime, they gave it to you. Now it’s too much? Go figure.
Nette Überraschung! Meisterwerk Intensität
CRAZY INTENSE, CRAZY WHIP. Best kiddie coaster ever, if you even consider this a kiddie coaster.
Standort Spaß Intensität
Best coaster for laterals… especially when you ride by yourself in a row. Wow. Underrated gem.
Inversionen Spaß Dead spots
Not an invert fan personally so this isn't gonna be overly high for me. Thought it was pretty forceless.
Airtimes First Drop Spaß
Awesome airtime on this riding including the inversions! Best dive I've ridden.
Inversionen Spaß Enttäuschend!
Worst B&M dive I've ridden.
Airtimes Komfort Spaß Dead spots
Worst B&M hyper I've ridden but still a fun ride.
First Drop Inversionen Intensität
Awesome, intense ride!
Airtimes Spaß
Decent woodie in Orlando.
Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure - Universal Islands of Adventure
Mr. Roller Coasters vor 2 JahrenThematisierung Spaß Meisterwerk
Guilty pleasure, amazing experience.
First Drop Ejectors Hangtime
Amazing first drop with some fun ejector moments throughout. The final bunny hills are so good.
Meisterwerk Ejectors Dauer
I don't have very many words for this ride. Went to HoliWood Nights & was blown away, even during the day. So many amazing ejector airtime moments packed into this extremely long ride, & it's fairly smooth actually. Overall a breathtaking ride that might just have to take my #1 spot.
Meisterwerk Layout Ejectors
This ride was absolutely incredible. So many awesome ejector moments. It was better than I could've imagined it. Although the first camelback is a little overrated, this ride definitely isn't!
First Drop Spaß Ejectors
This ride blew me away. That first drop may be my favorite ever, & the roughness didn't bother me, it made the ride feel crazy! Not a re-rideable coaster at all but I loved it either way.
Schoßbügel Nette Überraschung! Spaß
This is an awesome family coaster that you can argue is a thrill coaster. I love the indoor section & drop track!