• Raymond C.

    Schoßbügel Abschuss Intensität Kapazität

    What a crazy rollercoaster or rather rollercoaster concept. Especially with the LSM launch this ride is a load of fun. The acceleration is incredibly long and intense, the ascend is nice and the drop is just awesome. The over-the-shoulder lap bar is amazing and takes this coaster to the next level. You are never stapled and the fall is like a frefall tower drop. This is especially noticeable in the last rows. I actually get everything out of this ride that I'm looking for in a coaster. There is intensity, an awesome drop and a fast paced layout that is admittedly a bit short. This is one of the most amazing experiences I have made on a rollercoaster and thus I do recommend to check this out.

  • Raymond C.

    First Drop Schoßbügel Sanftheit Intensität

    A very good coaster for the whole family with a nice first drop and a good subsequent layout. I like the restraints, especially on the outer seats since they do not obscure the view. Although the lap bar can be a bit uncomfortable when too tight. The ride itself is very nice but not as forceful as I had hoped. There are almost no positive Gs and the airtime is almost entirely slight floater airtime. Hyperion at Energylandia takes a similar approach and delivers a (for me) much more enjoyable riding experience. Nevertheless it is a very good coaster that I would put in the same category as Goliath at Walibi Holland and it is definitely worth a few rides when you're at PortAventura.

  • Raymond C.

    First Drop Schoßbügel Sanftheit Unangenehm

    For a wild mouse this was surprisingly good. It is a bit uncomfortable due to the trains but the layout is generally very smooth. The drops are nice and comfortable. It has a nicely themed queue line as well.

  • Raymond C.

    Kapazität Schoßbügel Spaß

    One of the most underrated rides I have been on. For an over 40 year old rollercoaster it is very smooth, has the best looping on any ride I've been on and still manages to attract many visitors. It is the perfect rollercoaster to introduce to newcomers. In terms of capacity it is great with two trains running. With only one train the capacity is atrocious. The ride itself is surprisingly good. The first drop is nice, the looping is awesome and there is a very nice airtime moment on the ride. The double helix is alright but doesn't do much. Be wary on the final brake run in the tunnel though. As on all Schwarzkopfs the braking is very abrupt. Overall it is a very good coaster which despite its age manages to stay relevant to the coaster world. A true classic that has luckily been kept and renovated by the people at Hansa Park.

  • Raymond C.

    Airtimes Tempo Spaß Rückhaltebügel Layout

    Abyssus is a nice family launch coaster. It is generally fun to ride and has many interesting elements. Sadly Vekoma once again used the vest restraints which I cannot stand since they disrupt every riding experience. On top of that the elements are unfortunately not very well designed. For example the trim brake on the top hat slows down the train and yet it still drives through the subsequent looping much too quickly. There is theoretically some nice airtime on this ride which is cut short by the vest restraint's abruptly pulling you down. The batwing and the other elements are alright though and that makes the ride at least a bit re-rideable. For me Abyssus was a huge disappointment at Energylandia considering both of the big coasters they built before (Zadra and Hyperion) were excellent. Overall I wouldn't call Abyssus bad but I wouldn't call it great either.

  • Raymond C.

    Inversionen Tempo Layout

    Amazing coaster with lots of interesting elements. My favourite is the 270 degree double inverting stall just after the drop. The following elements are nice as well but nothing too special for me. I especially dislike the bunny hops since they do not provide sustained airtime and just abruptly yank you out of the seat. The trains are very comfortable (except for the leg guards). On this ride you can actually enjoy the ride when you are stapled. The pacing is very good - Until the last heartline-roll the ride maintains a steady pace. Overall a very good coaster that provides a special experience nonetheless.

  • Raymond C.

    Komfort Abschuss Sanftheit Intensität

    Taron is an excellent launch coaster the whole family can enjoy. However for me it leaves something to be desired to consider it as more than a very good coaster. I think it should feature at least one inversion and the elements could use a bit more intensity. I personally think Helix at Liseberg takes a similar approach and succeeds just a bit more with its execution. Nevertheless Taron has a lot of snappy transitions and two very good airtimes to offer, when the track is warmed up. Overall it is a very good coaster which offers a special ride experience which I highly recommend to make.

  • Raymond C.

    Thematisierung Inversionen Sanftheit

    This was my first B&M Invert and only the second Inverted Coaster after Limit, which I found to be atrocious. So I went on Black Mamba with mixed feelings. Those were as it turns out completely unfounded since I absolutely love this ride. First of all the theming is world class. The queue line is right next to the track and leads through a very skillfully designed African environment. It really helps to put you in the right mood for the ride. In terms of the riding itself there is much to offer too. The first drop is decent, the inverted looping, inversions and all other elements are super smooth and well paced. They also provide a lot of intensity, which I didn't expect. In general all of the elements feel well balanced out. Overall I must say that this B&M Inverted Coaster is much more enjoyable than the inferior Vekoma SLCs. Although I think Vekoma have nowadays learned their lesson since F.L.Y. which is also situated at Phantasialand manages to offer a very good and comfortable experience too. When you're at Phantasialand definetely don't miss out on this one.

  • Raymond C.

    Airtimes First Drop Meisterwerk Thematisierung

    Goliath is one of those very well designed older Intamin coasters which still manages to put up to more modern coasters. The first drop is great, the first airtime hill is pure fun, the other elements including the Stengel-Dive feel very well paced and balanced out and the final three airtime hills manage to perfectly round up the ride. The trains can be a bit uncomfortable due to their being so low. I certainly think the new Intamin coasters (e. g. Hyperion, Taron) were more comfortable. But nevertheless it doesn't disrupt the riding experience that much. The ride's most arguable flaw is the theming. I appreciate the US-like sign in front of the ride, but there is nothing more to it. I mean Untamed has a similar theming but at least they put a minimum amount of effort in it and placed some of the old track there for you to admire. But overall a surprisingly good coaster, which I highly recommend to ride.

  • Raymond C.

    Tempo Meisterwerk Layout

    Zadra is in my opinion the closest a rollercoaster can get to perfect. And so far I wasn't really that blown away by RMC's work in Europe (Wildfire and Untamed). Zadra has a beautiful track layout featuring the best zero-g-stall I know, a great zero-g-roll and one of the best first drops I have ever experienced. There is some nice airtime on the coaster too, although I don't enjoy airtime on RMCs as on Intamins for example. Nevertheless it is fun. Zadra should definetely be warmed up in order to be experienced to the full extent, the rides on the morning often feel dull in comparison with the rides later in the day. The only real con of the coaster which I could not select is the queue line. What were they even thinking. I mean yes it is better to have a longer queue line than you actually think you need but they really went over the top. Walking 10 minutes just to get back in line is really annoying. But overall Zadra as a coaster is worth a trip to Energylandia on its own because it is a masterpiece.

  • Raymond C.

    Airtimes First Drop Meisterwerk Rütteln

    An intense and powerful coaster. In fact the amazing first drop already provides airtime and it almost felt like riding a Freefall tower - Beautiful! And after the drop the G-forces are so enormous that I'm wondering if there can even be a more intense coaster on this planet (looking forward to riding Intimidator 305). During the plentyful airtimes you also get the sensation that you're flying which I so far have only experienced on F.L.Y. at Phantasialand. I guess Intamin's over-the-shoulder lap bar improves airtime a lot - I also noticed that on Taron. The only con is that on the outer seats the ride can be a bit uncomfortable because of the rattle. The mddle seats are ok though. Overall a great coaster and alongside Zadra a good reason to visit Energylandia.

  • Raymond C.

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Intensität

    First of all the theming including the atmosphere is superb. The ride experience itself is something I could not have imagined. It truly does feel like flying. This is the first coaster by Vekoma I've ridden which I would call a masterpiece. The riding experience is very smooth, unique and comfortable. This coaster is worth a trip to Phantasialand on its own.

  • Raymond C.

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Layout

    Definetely more interesting than I had imagined. For an older ride it is quite intense and has a very nice layout. The braking at the end might be a bit tough, but at least there are some signs telling you so. Overall a nice ride.