Schoßbügel Komfort Kapazität Zuverlässigkeit
Cool ride but I waited in a small (actually tiny) queue yet it still took OVER 2 hours to get on!
Spaß Zu kurz Enttäuschend!
It was kind of fun but it was very dissapointing and you don’t feel the rush of top thrill or kingda ka as the acceleration takes so long and it doesn’t feel like a strata coaster (even full throttle feels taller than this) but to be fair I went forwards because backwards wasn’t running when I rode it.
Thematisierung Spaß Layout
It’s quite FUN, and there is a lot of NICE AND COOL SECTIONS to it and I also like the THEMING. The only PROBLEM is that for ride that’s been in CONSTRUCTION FOR 7 YEARS, I WAS A BIT DISSAPOINTED.
Airtimes Meisterwerk Layout
This ride has sooooo much airtime. It literally WHIPS YOU around the place. The forces are great, and THE LAYOUT IS AMAZING! It’s a really great ride!
Airtimes Schoßbügel Intensität
Whether it’s the amazing lap bar restraint, or the fastest lift hill on any rollercoaster I’ve done, or the amazing first drop, or the WORLD’S TALLEST LOOP, or the massive amount of airtime, or the incredibly smooth transitions, or the high g-force, this ride is amazing in almost every way! I’d even put this above Formula Rossa (also great ride at same park)!
Schoßbügel Inversionen Hangtime Zu kurz
This ride (as the name says) has LOADS OF HANGTIME! The INVERSIONS ARE VERY FUN! I LOVE THE LAPBAR and it has a surprising amount of airtime! But it is a bit TOO SHORT.
Thematisierung Hangtime Rütteln Zu kurz Kapazität
GOOD FUN FOR FAMILIES, NICE THEMING and a surprising amount of HANGTIME on the inversion but was WAYYYYYY TOO SHORT! I also noticed a SLIGHT RATTLE on the ride.
Thematisierung Spaß Dauer
This ride is PURE FUN! It is extremely long and kind of INTENSE FOR A FAMILY COASTER, the length of the RIDE IS EXTREMELY LONG and is filled with THEMING EVERYWHERE!
Inversionen Spaß Sanftheit
This ride is VERY FUN! I find it SUPER COOL THAT IT IS ON WATER and it is very picturesque! The INVERSIONS ARE NOICE and it is SUPER VERY SMOOTH!
First Drop Thematisierung Spaß Zu kurz
Abschuss Spaß Dauer Dead spots
At the beginning it has a launch that is unexpected but really weak, but then it has a second + third LAUNCH THAT IS VERY FUN! Then it has a dead spot but it is really high up so it is kinda cool, but it has A FUN, FAMILY-THRILL LAYOUT!
First Drop Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz
This was my first wing coaster, and it did not disappoint! THE FIRST DROP IS SUPER FUN, AND THIS RIDE IS SUPER SUPER SMOOTH! The only problem is that it’s A BIT SHORT.
Thematisierung Spaß Dauer Dead spots
This ride is SUPER SUPER LONG and it is AMAZINGLY FUN and it has BEAUTIFUL THEMING! At the beginning there is a bit of a DEAD SPOT but it’s still good cause it adds to the story (SPOLIERS) of you climbing Everest, then the yeti breaks the track and you go backwards, and then do the rest of the ride which is noice. It is a TAME RIDE but it’s still SUPER FUN!
Abschuss Spaß Hangtime Zu kurz
SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH FUN! The LAUNCH IS GREAT and it goes into a MASSIVE LOOP with AMAZING HAMGTIME! But there is one problem, which is that it is TOO SHORT and at the end it has brakes a bit too early. But besides that this is super fun!
Inversionen Spaß Intensität
This ride is SOOOOO FUN! It is quite intense and it has SO MANY INVERSIONS! People also say there is a ‘rattle’ on this ride but when I went on it I didn’t feel it at all.
Inversionen Spaß Intensität
This was my first flying coaster and it is SUPER FUN! It’s surprisingly intense and it has lots of cool inversions! I also love the near-miss elements!
Abschuss Meisterwerk Intensität Zu kurz
There is a lot of great rides at my home park (Thorpe Park) but this is the best one (although Project Exodus in 2024 will be a billion times better)! I still love this ride, it may be short but in that time it has; an amazing launch; an amazing view; and an amazing drop! Very NOICE RIDE!
Standort Meisterwerk Sanftheit
This ride has BEAUTIFUL SCENERY and it is so high up it FEELS LIKE YOU ARE FLYING! For most of the ride it is nice and smooth and it is very calm, until SUDDENLY IT TRIES TO TURN YOU INSIDE OUT (in a good way)! It is super fun and I love this ride!
Airtimes Spaß Dauer
Knotts Berry Farm is a great theme park, with great coasters, but this is definitely the best coaster! It’s super fun with GREAT AIRTIME! It’s also REEEEAAAALLLLY LONG!
Schoßbügel Abschuss Intensität
THIS RIDE IS SOOOOO FAST (fastest ride in the world) and it is amazing! The FORCES ARE GREAT, and since it is super fast you SPEEEEED THROUGH EVERY ELEMENT! I love the speed on this ride, but I was kinda expecting it to be faster. Still a great ride tho!
Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure - Universal Islands of Adventure
Leonardo S. vor 2 JahrenThematisierung Spaß Meisterwerk
The captain coaster review does not do this ride justice! This ride has probably the most interesting layout on any rollercoaster! And it literally defines PURE FUN! Absolutely love this ride!
Inversionen Meisterwerk Intensität
I love B&M inverted coasters! And this is my favourite one, and I think that says a lot! Montu is a great ride with amazing moments pilled in to it’s very long ride time! Great ride!
Airtimes First Drop Meisterwerk
Before doing this ride you must know 3 things, this ride has one of the best (+ longest) drop on any rollercoaster (X2 drop is still better tho). Secondly, this ride is not very thrilling, but that doesn’t matter because, thirdly, this is absolutely filled with airtime! 10/10 ride!
Airtimes Meisterwerk Ejectors
This ride has the most airtime of any coaster I’ve ever done! It’s like you don’t properly sit down for all of the ride! It may break your thighs, but it doesn’t matter because you are going to be having too much fun flying out of your seat! 10/10 ride!
First Drop Meisterwerk Intensität
Before you start the ride, in the queue it says ‘Are you type A, or type X’ and I am type X for X2 (that’s a good thing)! This ride is the most intense, crazy, thrilling ride I’ve ever done, and probably in the world! If you want to fully understand this ride, go to Six Flags Magic Mountain (great park btw) and ride it! 10/10 ride!
First Drop Meisterwerk Intensität
It’s an amazingly fun and intense ride, filled with airtime and a bunch of different elements which makes this my #2 coaster! I don’t think there is a second on this ride where nothing interesting is happening!
Airtimes Thematisierung Meisterwerk