• Els K.

    First Drop Tempo Ejectors

    am I the only one who thinks the rattling makes it more fun? I rode it on the front and I honestly didn't expect that force 0_0 my hips hurt a bit after i left the ride, but for the rest I honestly love this coaster, 3rd favorite coaster for me in Parc Àsterix!

  • Els K.

    Inversionen Komfort Abschuss

    very nice coaster, 1st loop is so good, launch doesn't give a kick (like you'd expect from Mack) but i always love launches, so it's valid. this ride is also super comfortable

  • Els K.

    Airtimes First Drop Komfort

    3rd best coaster in my opinion, it's a basic layout but for the rest, amazing airtime and the first drop is the best moment, every time you go over a hill you just feel like you pop out of the seat

  • Els K.

    Airtimes Spaß Layout

    incredible speed, feels even faster then 100 km/h. i think it's even better then troy. def in the top 5 best wooden coasters i've ever ridden. if you go to Europa-Park ride this. idc how long the wait times are lol, even the que is super nice themed. layout is also fun, worth the 2 minutes for an hour wait time

  • Els K.

    Abschuss Meisterwerk Hangtime Rütteln

    omg, went back to europa-park, i did not expect the ride to be THIS good, amazing theming, amazing hangtime and fun launches. it still has a little bit rattle, but it's still worth 5 stars

  • Els K.

    Airtimes First Drop Spaß Dead spots

    amazing coaster, def a top 2 in poland (1st zadra then this). this has amazing airtime and i love it so much

  • Els K.

    Nette Überraschung! Standort Kapazität Irrelevant

    this is truly a special coaster tho. but I dont really see a reason why they added this. nice to have a rare credit tho..

  • Els K.

    Nette Überraschung! Standort Spaß

    since its the only coaster in Andorra (Andora is beautiful) I am actually surprised. and since its a mountain coaster you're always sure the location Is so beautiful. wish I could go again

  • Els K.

    Headbanging Reißt es ab! Schoßbügel

    why does it have over the shoulder restraints?! it could be way better if it just has normal lap bars like in the fair. this is the worst experience ever!!!!

  • Els K.

    Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Rütteln Unangenehm

    this like a mix between. its one of the better SLC type coaster. but since its still an SLC its not the best coaster. so its not good but also not bad.

  • Els K.

    Intensität Layout

    to be honest I dont know why people are saying its rough. its actually very smooth for a boomerang..

  • Els K.

    Rütteln Headbanging Reißt es ab!

    this is one of the worst rides ever. my lip was bleeding. tear it down

  • Els K.

    Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Spaß

    I honestly didn't expect the launch at the start, this blew my expectations away tho, I first tought it would be a tame family coaster, but its way more then that, fun little dips, a very fun backwards section and the mini dark ride thingy with medusa was also a fun surprise. I really recommend it.

  • Els K.

    Airtimes Abschuss Hangtime

    this is out of this world, the hangtime in the beginning and almost at the end are incredible, sadly I rode it only 2 times because I needed to do more credits and I needed to wait in line for every attraction 1+ hour, in the summer it isn't the best park. but the launches are incredible, I rode it once in the middle (to test it out) and once on the front, its INCREDIBLE, and its also fun to wave at the people down below!!!

  • Els K.

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime

    Oziris is a great ride! I personally dont think its the best inverted coaster, but it stands out. the rest of the park was also very good, I would really recommend it if your on a roadtrip to France!

  • Els K.

    Abschuss Spaß Intensität Rütteln Headbanging Zu kurz

    this ride is not normal, this was my 2nd strata coaster (after top thrill dragster) and the acceleration and power on these machines aren't normal.. but it isn't long, I kinda understand it. but its stil short, and because of the launch its kinda rough. stil a great ride

  • Els K.

    Airtimes Abschuss Intensität

    Such a masterpiece, so intense! Defintly the most intense coaster in cedar point

  • Els K.

    Meisterwerk Intensität Layout

    Amazing, probably my best experience yet