• Ross

    Thematisierung Layout Rütteln Zu kurz

    Interesting ride, that has a number of "suprise elements, before the main bulk of ride that's visible in the park. It's not a particularly long ride (this is an issue for Thorpe park in general!) But packs a Reasonable punch. It is however pot luck as to whether you'll get a car that rattles like crazy or doesn't rattle at all!

  • Ross

    Thematisierung Intensität

    A reasonable coaster that doesn't unfortunately meet the "nemesis" standard that you would expect. The layout is ok, and fairly intense. The ride does however need a repaint, as all the paint is very faded and it's noticeable! Between areas in shadow that haven't faded the same amount!

  • Ross

    First Drop Thematisierung Zu kurz

    A fun wing coaster, usually with the "Thorpe park way too long a queue" syndrome. The layout is a bit short but has plenty of near miss elements on it. One side (although I can't remember which) has more than the other though!

  • Ross

    Abschuss Rütteln Zu kurz

    This ride is just way too short. Launch, up, down, done. Not worth the usual 60 minute queue. Definitely not worth spending money to fast track access...

  • Ross

    First Drop Thematisierung Sanftheit Zu kurz

    This is a great package ride from efteling, the park that likes to make rides as a package that equal a sum more than their individual parts. The ride is a bit too short, but it's still much longer than, say oblivion at Alton towers...

  • Ross

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Kapazität Zuverlässigkeit

    This is a great ride that is brought down only by it being run so poorly. Thankfully I was not there on a busy day, and did get around 7 or 8 rides in. Personally I prefer the front to the back as it whips over the final hills with such extreme airtime. But can see the appeal of riding at the back for its whip over the lift hill into the first drop!

  • Ross

    Thematisierung Abschuss Tempo

    This is by far my favourite ride (in the world), the theming, the launch, the snappy transitions, all make this (imo) the best. Rode it over 20 times in 2 days, never lost its edge!

  • Ross

    First Drop Thematisierung Intensität Rütteln

    This is a fairly intense gci. It can be a bit rattle-y but the seats are comfortable and mitigate against that. The standard queue under the station is really cool. And the station pass through is exciting

  • Ross

    Thematisierung Spaß

    Fun indoor family coaster. Not too thrilling, great scenery and music. My only complaint would be the time it takes to go up the lift hill!

  • Ross

    Airtimes First Drop Komfort Thematisierung Abschuss

    This is a fairly tame b&m hyper, I say tame as I came to this park after just visiting phantasialand and holiday park. It has some moments of "air time" but not really any negative G's. Otherwise my main issue with it is it's position in the park and it's racing theme. Theres a starting countdown, where you'd expect a launch but, no, nothing! Just a slow roll into the lift hill!...