• Solar Winds

    Lap Bar Pace Intensity

    In my opinion, this was is my favorite coaster at Knoebels, even above Phoenix. The pacing is great and the laterals are some of the best on any coaster. It is like if Phoenix was Fury 325 and Twister was i305. They provide a foil to each other. It is a matter of preference, but Twister completely blew me away.

  • Solar Winds

    Pace Smoothness Ejectors

    All around a fantastic RMC. Very rerideable and has a superb layout filled with awesome ejector and hangtime. It was also butter smooth. It was hard to choose only 3 pros because I could name at least 5. This is the best ride at the park, due to Superman's uncomfortable restraints holding it back.

  • Solar Winds

    Airtimes Pace Layout Discomfort Lap Bar

    Superman: The Ride has a lot of things going for it. It has a fantastic layout, superb airtime, and great variety. The only issue is the trains. The U bricks slam on your thighs making it very uncomfortable. I am willing to look past it, but it does make the ride a lot less rerideable (when otherwise it would have great rerideability!) They should really do something about the restraints, because it would be a perfect coaster without them.

  • Jamie Jones

    Airtimes First Drop Disappointing!

    This was my #1 after riding it last year, had plenty of back to back rerides with little queues. I went back on it yesterday and came off with the biggest coaster headache i've ever had, which lasted all day long. The first drop & camel back were still amazing, but then we hit the turnaround section, after which I was too focused on the pounding, dull headache to enjoy the rest of the layout. Completely different experience than when i rode it before. Now i can safely say Hyperion is the superior hyper coaster

  • James Davis

    First Drop Fun Layout Harness

    At first very disappointing, but has run noticeably faster every time I've gone back to SFGAdv. The difference in speed the train takes the turn around between opening and now is night and day. The drop alone makes asking for back row worth it. Great mix of airtime, inversions, and "fun" elements. Operations are also incredible. Only knock is that the trains are a little bit awkward to sit in.

  • Sam Capstick

    Airtimes Comfort Duration

    Perfection. I've had 100's of rides on Shambhala, in every seat no doubt. But nothing, and I mean nothing comes close to a back row ride on Shambhala (although it's phenomenal in every row, therefore justifying the 5 stars). My last ride was around 8pm after a hot day, the sun was setting over Salou, there was a light haze in the air. Climbing the lift hill whilst looking over at the sea, glittered with the pink and red flecks of the setting sun contrasting against the greenery of the golf courses, etc. I love how as a result of the train length and stadium seating, the back row starts to accelerate before cresting the hill, and what happens afterwards is just pure rollercoaster euphoria..... Colossal first drop, floating all the way down, the airtime is so crazy it makes the head chopper of the tunnel more impactful. Second hill, BOOM, massive flojector again. Unique and foreceful turnaround follows next. Speed hill, ejector. Another big camelback into the splashdown, sensational, floating all the way. More airtime hills. Just epic, in every way.

  • Coach Rolo

    Airtimes Pace

    I loved how relentless this coaster was.

  • Austin L.

    First Drop Inversions Harness

    The harness was pretty uncomfortable on my shoulders. This was my first dive coaster and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The front row was the best. This ride was super smooth and has a really cool baggage system.

  • Zach R.

    Airtimes Pace Smoothness Too short

    This is at my home park, and it’s probably my most ridden wooden coaster. I’ve ridden this in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night, and it’s almost always flying. It’s got plenty of great airtime moments and incredible pacing. Plus, it’s glass smooth for a woodie. This is an elite wooden coaster, go to KI and ride it!

  • Evangelion Martini

    Inversions Intensity Ejectors

    While I've heard so much about good those back to back loops are, I was definitely surprised by the gnarly ejector this thing gives you. This ride is absolutely nuts, hard to believe it opened only 2 years after Revolution! Definitely top 3 in the park, and definitely earned a place on my favorites.