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Credit: Bubble Gaming
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Griffin Levine
rated 4.5 stars
Flight Deck
1 second ago
Griffin Levine
rated 4 stars
8 seconds ago
Griffin Levine
rated 2.5 stars
26 seconds ago
Griffin Levine
rated 4.5 stars
Steel Vengeance
5 minutes ago
Griffin Levine
rated 4.5 stars
5 minutes ago
Griffin Levine
rated 5 stars
Millennium Force
5 minutes ago
Latest reviews
Capacity Nice surprise! Launch Dead spots
ダミーレールを駆使したギミックの面白さが良い感じですね!!!加速した後にダミーレールに着地したりとか、中盤の屋内シーンのギミックフル活用ぶり等、楽しいシーンはいっぱいあります!! ただ、思っていた以上に衝撃が強く、FUJIYAMAであったりバンデットを想起させる横方向の衝撃が凶と出るか吉と出るか⋯
Airtimes Pace Smoothness
A really fun airtime machine that maintains its speed throughout. It is super smooth and very re-rideable. The layout has such a nice flow to it. I love the first airtime hill, and the bunny hills at the end deliver one of my favorite finales.
Inversions Layout
This is a good floorless coaster. It has a great layout and is smooth the whole way through. It is somewhat basic but it definitely is one of the better coasters at Kings Dominion.