• Yoann Diego

    Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Horrible! Ma copine s'en rappel encore, enfin son genou lol! ça reste un crédit mais sans intérêt et très inconfortable!

  • Yoann Diego

    Vibración Incomodidad Sin interés

    Un crédit rest un crédit. Pour les enfants et c'est pas ouf pour eux non plus.

  • Yoann Diego

    Tematización Comodidad Suavidad

    C'est un excellent family coaster!

  • Jacob Isaac B.

    Capacidad Launch Obra maestra Demasiado corto Arnés

    Insane launch, great ejector on the hill, just a shame about the OTSRs, this ride would be #1 in the UK if it had a lap bar. Thorpe are getting the UK's best coaster next year though with Exodus. My number 1 at Thorpe.

  • Yoann Diego

    Tematización Inversiones Fun Vibración

    Dans son genre c'était le meilleur pour moi, jusqu'à que je découvre Phantasialand et son Black Mamba. C'est dommage il devient vibrant.

  • Jacob Isaac B.

    Fun Tematización Tiempo muerto Lap Bar

    Why do Thorpe need Exodus when this is here! My number 1. Jokes aside, this is a much needed family coaster for Thorpe, even though they really need a family coaster like Storm Chaser at Paultons. And the lap bar stapled me :(

  • Yoann Diego

    Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Aucun confort. Horrible!

  • Jacob Isaac B.

    Fun Suavidad Layout Demasiado corto ¡Decepción! Intensidad

    Nemesis Inferno is a fun ride, and has a great layout to add to it. It also has a great queue line inside a volcano. However, I found the ride the opposite of intense, which is very un B&M invert. It seems to be over in a flash too. I found it to be very underwhelming. My number 4 at the park, saved from last by Colossus' headbanging.

  • Jacob Isaac B.

    Tematización Velocidad Intensidad Vibración Incomodidad

    Saw: The Ride is a Gerstlauer Eurofighter, themed to the Saw horror franchise. First of all, the theming is incredible and the indoor drop and heartline roll are both solid elements. The first drop is also very good, however there is a big pothole at the bottom of the drop, which causes a nasty rattle going into the Immelmann. It is extremely intense, but the rattle and the OTSRs combine for some nasty headbaning which can cause headaches. I did not feel the rattle too much, and I found it extremely intense and fun, so i'll give it 4.5 stars. Solid number 3 at the park.

  • Yoann Diego

    Vibración ¡Decepción! ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Non mais sérieux ils nous prennent pour des c***! La destination super cher pour une nouveauté comme celle-ci! Disney on y va pour les licences et la magie du décor. Mais les attractions à sensations si vous aimez que ça, n'y allez pas vous serez déçu!