• Theme Park Avenue

    Cheetah Hunt has always been pretty overrated in my opinion. It is fun, but very few elements are all that good given how long the ride is. I like the launches, water turns, and the airtime pop near the end. The windcatcher tower and heartline roll are decent. The whole ride is good but meandering and while it's somewhat scenic, it's an above average family coaster that kind of feels like it was supposed to be something more. Even if not, people treat it like it's more, but I think it's a 7/10 roller coaster. Very fun if it's open and has a manageable line, but definitely not as thrilling or interesting as Iron Gwazi or the B&Ms for me.

  • Theme Park Avenue

    Kumba is a frustrating ride. It is typically very intense and fun, but 19 times out of 20 this ride has headbanging, particularly during the iconic corkscrews. I almost always love everything through the corkscrew, even if Montu is definitely more intense overall. Sometimes the pain really takes away from the experience, and it happens so often. I think the ride is ultimately showing its age a bit and while it is a classic with plenty of great traditional B&M elements, it isn't as fun as Montu or Sheikra for me and I don't tend to look forward to riding it as the other two.

  • Theme Park Avenue

    Sheikra having a 90% on this site is a massive surprise. It's kind of nice, but even a big fan of the ride like myself cannot give Sheikra a 90%. The ride has only a few individual elements and is more relaxed than the other B&Ms here. Those moments are great though, with both drops giving excellent weightlessness, the immelman providing awesome hangtime, and the water splash being a blast. After that, the ride is pretty much over. It looks beautiful and is incorporated into the area perfectly, which adds to the enjoyability whether you're riding or getting splashed. Sheikra is super fun, but it doesn't pack a big enough punch to get 4.5 stars. I've loved this ride ever since I first rode it nearly 10 years ago, and it still holds up.

  • Theme Park Avenue

    B&M inverts are one of the best coaster models out there. After the top tier of RMC hybrids, B&M and Intamin hypers/gigas, and Intamin blitz coasters, they are probably my favorite. Of all the inverts out there, few have as great a reputation as Montu. It really is the one that has put B&M inverts on the map more recently because of how many people like it, and that makes me happy. I think Montu actually helped people realize that Batman the Ride clones are really good. But is Montu as great as others say? Well, yes. It is the perfect invert. The intensity is ruthless and brutal but the ride is never uncomfortable. Every inversion is great, but the batwing stands above the rest as a truly insane element. The ride does lose some speed after the midcourse brake run, but it still pulls off two more phenomenal inversions and even a small pop of airtime if you're lucky. The setting also helps this ride, as the subtle theming and several troughs mean you constantly go underground before and even during inversions. Going underground on a roller coaster is incredibly fun and adds to the experience both on and off the ride. All in all, this is definitely one of the best inverted roller coasters, and I'd call it my second favorite. It covers all of the bases and surpasses expectations in every area you'd hope for an invert to excel. An absolute must for current or prospective fans of B&M inverts.

  • Theme Park Avenue

    Just made an account and thought I would start with the roller coasters at my home park, and what better ride to start with than the best roller coaster on Earth? Simply put, Iron Gwazi is my favorite roller coaster. When I say it's the best, I obviously don't know for sure if it's the best. Nobody does, but for me, it is unmatched. No other roller coaster feels so out of control yet also perfectly designed at the same time. It has at least 4 top tier roller coaster elements and keeps its speed and intensity no matter when or where in the car you ride. The full experience of 5-minute dispatches and moderately uncomfortable shin guards are not ideas, but you'd have to be really focused on them to have them on your mind as you climb the lift hill. As RMC experiments with more intense elements, they may make a better ride some day, and maybe they already have with Zadra or ArieForce One or something else. That said, this RMC stands above the rest for me for its particularly memorable elements combined with relentless speed, and it is my #1 roller coaster on the planet.

  • Stéphane R.

    Primera caída Comodidad Fun Capacidad ¡Decepción!

    Un coaster qui me faisait un peu de l'oeil, surtout après avoir fait son petit frère à Freizeitpark Plohn que j'avais trouvé surprenant. En effet, vu que Lost Gravity est plus long, je m'attendais à être encore plus surpris. Mais il n'en est rien. La first drop est quand même très bonne (twisté à la EGF), surtout sur le côté gauche. Le reste du ride est assez lambda je trouve avec 3 bons airtime et des inversions pas tiptop. A faire sur les bords La théma n'est pas grandiose non plus mais elle fait le taf. Au final le coaster est quand même bon mais juste bon.

  • Stéphane R.

    Tematización Capacidad Fun Incomodidad

    Le lift est fun et mythique (petit coup de coeur pour la version de Noël), la partie haute donne une belle vue sur le parc et un bon effet de vertige. First drop sympathique mais le reste du parcours est assez violent avec les transitions mal branlés (les trains sont ok niveau confort) et l'helix trop intenses (en marche arrière). Pas de vibrations dérangeantes. Il manque juste le côté spinning et reconstruire quelques portions pour qu'il soit moins violent, il passerait bien.

  • Stéphane R.

    Airtimes Fun Duración Vibración Incomodidad

    Ca tape tout le temps si bien que 'on a l'impression de déraillé à chaques virages. A ne PAS faire en "wheel sit" sous peine d'inconfort plus grand. Sinon à l'arrière, ça passe. A l'avant, il est chiant.

  • Stéphane R.

    Airtimes Fun

    On a affaire à un Wooden qui a un circuit d'hypercoaster intamin typique de l'époque. Malheureusement, le côté wooden ne se fait absolument pas ressentir dans le ride. Le seul intérêt que je vois par rapport à un steel est que la structure en bois est très imposante (mais aussi très moche), sinon c'est du pareil au même. Le coaster est bon avec une bonne vitesse et des bons airtime. Un sous Goliath (Walibi Holland) en soit. Décevant pour du intamin devant le clair manque de folie.

  • Rosie

    Primera caída Fun Duración Tiempo muerto

    still the tallest in my eyes 😊 (I'm short)