• Sealver


    Les harnais sont vraiment désagréables et ruinent l'expérience

  • Sealver

    Tematización Suavidad Inversiones

    C'est vraiment pas mal ! La montée à la verticale fait son effet, le parcours est plutôt fluide et s'enchaîne bien. Le hangtime sur la flèche inclinée est en revanche pas agréable...

  • Lama Arratistars

    Tematización Fun

    Un seul mot FUN

  • clubstep


    Macks best launch, but why is it on a Boat ride

  • clubstep

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    It is shaky but if you rode a real rough wooden coaster its pretty smooth in comparison. That being said, i rode it in the Middle of the train and got good airtime there on every hill. The laterals on the turns surprised me too. I Think its a really good wooden coaster and doesnt need any Kind of RMC

  • Jack H.

    Obra maestra Intensidad Incomodidad

    Swap the trains with Mack multi-launch ones, replace the brake runs with camel backs and then this ride will be SO MUCH BETTER!

  • Samuel Wohrmann

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad

    je l’avais fait il y a 2 ans ajd je remonte et énorme surprise je ne me souvenais pas de cette first drop incroyable avec les petits airtimes par ci par là franchement meilleur coaster du park !!

  • Kellen Grady

    Layout Torta ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    This could be a great one if it was comfortable but no, walked off this one with a major headache. Not surprising, but disappointing. 4-10-2023 Reride: I'm not sure if this has been renovated in the last year, but it seemed a lot smoother this time. Unfortunately, though, I didn't find it that great despite the enhanced comfort. Still one of the worst in the park.

  • Kellen Grady

    Primera caída Fun Intensidad Arnés Incomodidad

    I'm really sad to say this, but this coaster was extremely uncomfortable for me. Maybe it's something wrong with me, I don't know, but when a coaster has limited legroom like this one, Matterhorn Bobsleds at Disneyland, or Colossus at Thorpe Park, I get extremely painful hip cramps. This completely ruined this ride for me, which is really too bad because from what I did experience, I would have loved it. The speed is pretty insane and the single rail makes it so smooth. Hopefully, I can figure out the cause of this issue, but regardless these rides should really be more comfortable for taller people! 11-20-22 re-ride: I was less uncomfortable this time, mostly because I prepared myself for the discomfort and positioned my body to reduce it. However, though I had fun, it really is a bummer that this incredible layout is hampered by its restraints and lack of legroom. I hope to ride it's near-clone, Jersey Devil at some point and see if it's any better for me. 4-10-22 re-ride: okay, I rode it in the back and asked the attendant to give me a little bit more room between me and the restraint, and I finally was able to enjoy this layout as it should be. What an amazing airtime machine! That first drop absolutely TOSSES you into the air and the elements are coming at you so fast that you barely have time to catch your breath. This just moved up considerably in my rankings.

  • Leonardo S.

    Tematización Fun Duración

    This ride is PURE FUN! It is extremely long and kind of INTENSE FOR A FAMILY COASTER, the length of the RIDE IS EXTREMELY LONG and is filled with THEMING EVERYWHERE!