• Sean R.

    Inversiones Launch Hangtime Vibración

    Copperhead Strike was good, not great for me, but I could see how it would be great for others. This comes down to personal taste and preference. I think the coaster delivers everything it was designed to do. The jojo roll was a really nice touch on the front end...sadly, it picked my pocket during my second ride (my favorite $2 sunglasses were lost.) Both launches are solid and the hangtimes are great throughout the ride - albeit, hangtimes are not a component on coasters I necessarily love. There's a hard whip about two-thirds into the ride that I really felt (and liked), but from that point through to the finish I found the ride less enjoyable. I just did't love all the herky-jerky twists and turns piled on at the end. This ride reminded me a lot of Maverick after it's first launch and drop...lots of disorienting twists and turns that left me a bit dizzy. I rode 2x, once in the front seat, once in the back - I found the back to be the better ride despite a rattle that was more evident from this position. My seat security was on my mind throughout both rides, which added to the thrill more than I would have liked. There's a lot packed into this ride...and not all of it was for me, but again, I could see how this ride would be a favorite for others. It's certainly a great effort from Mack and a nice contrast to the other coasters at Carowinds.

  • Sean R.

    Airtimes Primera caída Ejectors Tiempo muerto

    I loved this ride. It was everything I was hoping Goliath SFOG would be, just a 3-hour longer drive to get on it. It is big and fast! I rode it twice - once towards the front, once in the back and there was a notable benefit to sitting in the back - as one might expect with a train this long with hills and speeds this high. Fantastic first drop, great whip from the back seat through the many floaters throughout the ride. A single dead spot that is so far into the ride, I considered everything at that point gravy. Good theming, great length and a really nice layout with views of the park and the surrounding Carolinas. I suspect Intimidator is underestimated and/or under-appreciated because it falls in the shadow of a bigger coaster at the same park (Fury) and a bigger coaster with the same name (Intimidator 305). But it's a top 10 for me and kept my day at Carowinds lively with Fury out of action.

  • Sean R.

    Tematización Situación Intensidad

    This, like many Disney "coasters" I've rated, is more an experience than a coaster - so it's almost impossible to rate alongside proper coasters. I enjoyed the ride quite a bit and more than Forbidden Journey. It is the perfect fit for the Harry Potter world created at Universal. The concept, storyline and ride itself are all fun. The theming is absolutely fantastic...as good as any ride I've encountered. But without hills, launches, twists or turns of consequence, it can only get up to three stars from me.

  • Sean R.

    Suavidad ¡Decepción!

    The name Trailblazer always suggested something more intense in my mind, but alas, this is not an intense coaster. With that said, it is a serviceable family coaster that is a great starter ride for young, aspiring coaster enthusiasts. It's so tame, even my mom would go on it...and so it gets an extra half point from me just for that.

  • Sean R.

    Tematización Situación Fun Incomodidad

    A really nice family coaster and a nice way to start the day and warm-up the coaster muscles. It has just enough thrill to add some tingles throughout the experience. Fast Pass lines move quickly (more so than most rides at Universal.) We've been on this ride a dozen times and never experienced the waits others have noted. (From my daughter, Ashley) - She would give it 3 stars. Her thoughts: Me and my family enjoyed it .The theming was a fun and exciting part of the ride.The first drop was a thrilling part of the ride and overall it was just really fun!

  • Sean R.

    Vibración Torta ¡Romper en pedazos!

    I've been on Space Mountain a dozen times over 30 years... and I never liked it (which I'm reminded of each time.) It's not aggressive enough from a thrills vantage, it's really uncomfortable, the concept is dated and feels better placed at EPCOT, and the darkness muddles a pretty grueling experience even further. I'd suggest that it was past its prime, but I'm not sure Space Mountain ever had a prime...for me, its reputation has always far outpaced it's reality.

  • Sean R.

    Obra maestra Torta Demasiado corto Incomodidad

    A historically important coaster, but one the has more than served its purpose and is way past its prime at this point. It might be kind to take it out behind the shed...it is underwhelming and unremarkable. Cedar Point only needs one nostalgic coaster, not two (or three if you count Iron Dragon.)

  • SNake N.

    Comodidad Suavidad Sin interés Layout

    Cancan Coaster is an average coaster. For for me, the layout is just boring. Helix, ascending Helix, low ground helix, turn, another helix, slower helix, more intense helix... The layout is just a less intense Euro-Mir layout. Additionally, it's not even dark inside! However, i still prefer it to the spinning one, and that's because of the way more comfy and smooth ride experience.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Inversiones Intensidad

    This is one of the most insane and relentless coasters on the planet. This has the strongest airtime of any coaster I’ve ridden and easily my favorite collection of inversions on any RMC. The way this moves sideways airtime with the wave turns as well as lateral ejector and lateral hangtime is absolutely insane. I also greyed out every time from the super surprising positives throughout. The layout and pacing are flawless and it just feels very different from other hybrids. You also get my favorite rmc prelift and a really solid first drop. This whole ride just tossed you around like a rag doll and throw in some great hand choppers and you have my #1 overall coaster.

  • Maddie

    Obra maestra Suavidad Ejectors

    Intamin masterpiece!