• Thomas C.

    Situación Fun

    As a family ride, very fun! As with everything at this park, spectacular views of the Harbour. Ride in the back for a sizeable amount of floater on the first drop. Good fun for all ages.

  • Thomas C.

    Situación Arnés Vibración

    A zippy, fun ride. While not too short, it’s also not a long ride, but even with the 7 seater trains it didn’t get a super long line (I did visit on a wet day though, so maybe lower crowds than normal). The launches, loop, bunny hill, and corkscrew each give a taste of some different forces, which leads to a ride that has a little bit of everything. The best part is the view though; getting thrown over a non-inverting loop while looking at the Sydney Harbour Bridge is certainly unique. The only real downside is the rattle, which isn’t too bad the first time, but can make marathoning it a pain; a pity, since one ride doesn’t really feel like enough. Fortunately no head-banging thanks to over-the-head lap bars. Overall, a thrilling and enjoyable ride experience that’s a little on the rougher side.

  • Thijmen B.

    Suavidad Sin interés Tiempo muerto Layout

    It's not terrible like I was scared it was going to be. It was just pretty boring, doesn't do much, but therefore also doesn't do much wrong

  • Thijmen B.

    Torta Arnés ¡Romper en pedazos!

    You really have to know what SBF is like to imagine this one. It''s a spinning mouse, made by SBF, with OTSRs, need I say more.

  • Thijmen B.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Hangtime Arnés

    This ride is weird but actually really enjoyable! Negative Harness is for the old train, since 2019 when I last rode it they added a new train

  • Thijmen B.

    Velocidad Obra maestra Intensidad

    I would have listed more pros if I could. 100% recommended, everything about this ride is top notch!

  • Thijmen B.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Intensidad Vibración

    This isn't your normal family coaster, that ride was fantastic fun!

  • Mortal 44

    Obra maestra Intensidad Layout

    Une légende, tout simplement. Chaque ride est mémorable, que ce soit à l'avant, au milieu ou à l'arrière, preuve de la qualité du layout de Katun. Là où son voisin iSpeed surprend avec des éléments vifs s'enchaînants à toute vitesse, le monstre de B&M fait le choix de la puissance pure, avec une énorme dose de G positifs tout au long du ride. Chaque élément est une claque monumentale dont on ressort chancelant : si vous trouviez Oz'Iris ou même Black Mamba intenses, attendez de voir Katun ... Un coaster qui a indéniablement gagné une place à part dans mon cœur de fan, symbole d'une époque révolue chez le constructeur helvète, où les G positifs étaient recherchés et non craints. Quant à savoir lequel je préfère entre lui et iSpeed ... et bien pour une fois je choisirais le B&M !

  • Isaiah M.
  • Isaiah M.

    Tematización Suavidad

    Famout last words of 7 year old me before going on this ride was "you guys never listen to me!" I was right, I died on this ride and they were very sad.