• Jessica Ssss

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Capacidad

    Bonne surprise pour ce coaster. Belle vitesse et virages amusants, pour ma petite qui n'a pas l'habitude des sensations fortes, elle a beaucoup aimé, c'était assez impressionant pour elle. Belle thematisation et chouette musique. C'est un chouette coaster familialg. Gros point noir, le débit très lent (comme partout dans ce parc). Et surtout la file d'attente insupportable, clos, sans air et chaleur insoutenable. Je n'aurais pas tenu plus de 10 minutes dans cet enfer. Pas pour les claustro.

  • gamy 71

    Comodidad Velocidad Suavidad Demasiado corto

    C'est un coaster simple mais qui remplit parfaitement son rôle il va a une vitesse bonne des virages sympas et la fin en arrière. Ce que je préfère c'est l'accélération au début 2,3virages comme mise en bouche puis la vraie montée et le réel drop. Il manque juste d'air time et est un peu court.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Situación ¡Decepción! Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    Very minimal airtime & very rough. The location is pretty nice though! Definitely not the best in the park, this ride kinda sucks, just like Lake Compounce itself.

  • Jessica Ssss

    Fun Capacidad

    Une de mes premières attractions "à sensations" quand j'étais petite. Il n'a pas si mal vieilli. Moins inconfortable que d'autres vieux coaster dans le style. Ca reste un coaster familial, les plus petits aiment beaucoup et il en faut pour tout le monde.

  • gamy 71

    Primera caída Lap Bar Suavidad ¡Decepción! Airtimes Intensidad

    Le départ et les premières descentes et virages sont très bien, mais après le ralentissement il roule juste sans plus aucun interet.

  • gamy 71

    Inversiones Vibración Incomodidad

    Il donne des sensations sympa, le premier drop est bien mais le passage complet passe très vite et détruit le crane/les cervicales, j'ai souffert a Tonnerre a cause de ca.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Airtimes Intensidad Layout

    At first I thought this ride was disappointing. being my 300th credit. However I really warmed up to this ride & now prefer it to 99% of people I know who have ridden it! The key is you have to make sure your restraint is as close to your knees as possible, that way the airtime will be felt to the max. This coaster has an amazing blend of airtime & intensity & the pacing is absolutely wicked. It’s such a long ride & it doesn’t stop. Definitely my favorite coaster in the park & a truly underrated ride.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Airtimes Primera caída ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    This ride is definitely decent, but it’s become so overrated over the years. The first half is great, it feels like Voyage’s first half but even better. Fun drop, good floater airtime on the hills, but the 2nd half is pretty bad. Minimal airtime & it gets kinda rough. My back was hurting by the end of the ride. If they ended it after the first half it would be a better ride. There‘s definitely better CCIs out there.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Primera caída Inversiones Hangtime Demasiado corto ¡Decepción!

    This is unfortunately the worst RMC I’ve ridden, however that doesn’t mean it’s bad. In fact it can still be a good ride, which it is. The first drop is fun, though overrated. The stall is pretty fun. And the other random hills & inversions are good but there’s just such few elements on this ride. It is maybe my favorite in the park even though I sound like I’m badmouthing it. It is a very good ride, just don’t expect a newer RMC.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Fun Demasiado corto

    For most of my visit until New Texas Giant passed it up, this was my favorite ride in the park. Though it may be lacking the intensity, it has the fun factor of the spikes, the backwards floater & the splash to make up for it. SFOT is one of the hottest parks ever so it’s nice to get cooled off & still get some thrills in on this. I wouldn’t mind more parks adding this ride even as a clone, maybe even add more track to it, either way it would be awesome!