• BonkersCoasters

    Airtimes Launch Intensidad Arnés Incomodidad

    What is there to say about this coaster? The launch is absolutely incredible as you accelerate from 0-80 mph in 1.9 seconds which is very impressive because it is one of the quickest on any coaster out there (my favourite launch ever)! The top hat provides some great positive forces going up before getting ejected into the restraint which creates the best airtime moment in the park as you are over 200 feet in the air! The first drop in the back row is probably the most sustained ejector in the park or the whole UK. The rapid fire airtime hill into the brakes is painful in a good way as your thighs are crushed from the negative g forces. Overall, Stealth is the best ride at Thorpe Park because the hydraulic launch acceleration is one of the best in the world and the airtime on the top hat and hill is some of the greatest in the country (Exodus could change that)! It is glass smooth with no rattle (unlike Rita), but the restraints can be uncomfortable on the shoulders and legs. The front row is a must do for the wind blowing against your face!

  • BonkersCoasters

    Tematización Intensidad Ejectors Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Although it may be a very painful roller coaster, it has some great elements such as the heartline roll and the 100° drop! The theming in the indoor section is the best on park as you are greeted with the saw doll before dropping and getting blasted with air cannons and water. The inside drop grants some good ejector airtime and the heartline roll has great hangtime. Once you go outside you pause before climbing up a steep 90° lift, facing towards the sky, and then you get ejected on the main beyond vertical drop into an immelmann which can be very rough. You then traverse an overbank before cresting a sharp airtime hill which gives amazing ejector into the mid course that doesn't trim at all which causes the tight dive loop to be very intense, however not in a good way because this is by far the roughest part of the ride! Apart from all the discomfort it is a good coaster with a nice layout packed with the most airtime on park (until exodus opens next door).

  • Like coaster

    Tematización Launch Torta Incomodidad Confiabilidad

    Coaster sympathique mais vraiment pas transcendant. De plus, la rénovation faite par disney ne m'as pas plus du tout. il n'y a aucun effet. Le coaster fait vraiment très vide. C'est dommage.

  • Like coaster

    Primera caída Comodidad Suavidad Capacidad

    coaster incontournable lors de votre visite au parc Asterix. l'un des meilleurs coaster de France. Et je trouve que ce type de coaster est le plus interessant en terme de thématisation( enfin si on ne compte pas the monster) . La zone Egyptienne du parc Asterix est magnifique.

  • Ella Korhonen

    Torta ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    Not my type of ride.

  • Ella Korhonen

    Fun Demasiado corto Tiempo muerto

    Well its fun if ur scared of bigger rides.

  • Ella Korhonen

    Situación Torta ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    I had looked really forward to ride this but it was so disappointing! Uncomfortable.

  • Ella Korhonen

    Comodidad Fun Obra maestra Demasiado corto


  • Ella Korhonen

    Torta Intensidad

    This is unsafe the trains are old. The coaster just overall looks unsafe ecpesially the trains.

  • Max S.

    Tematización Situación Torta

    I feel like the theming on this one is fantastic. They introduced their own song when it first opened and continue to play it in the queue line today. It also contains great rock structures and lighting through tunnels showing they put a lot of effort into making it an overall great experience. The first half is way better than the second half. After the lift hill, you turn into an actually decent drop with airtime in the back. You are then hit with a couple of loops that aren't exactly back to back but still give you great sensation. After you crest the hill you get to the part where it's essential to keep your head back. Even if you're very careful I still felt a lot of headbanging with the double corkscrew. I don't believe Arrow ever got the corkscrew correct without discomfort but later models don't hurt as much as this one. The location right in the middle of the park is fantastic too and gives you plenty of options for the next ride. 3/5 stars