• Sean R.

    Launch Fun Intensidad Capacidad

    My first and only impulse coaster to date. Pretty wild experience. The holding break is the headliner, but the first reverse launch was my personal favorite moment. I don't know why these don't get more love...it was by far the most intense coaster at Valleyfair.

  • Bryce L

    Airtimes Primera caída Duración Vibración Incomodidad Lap Bar

    First drop and first few air time hills were amazing, but then once it got to that turning part, the jackhammering started. The lap bar was banging on my thighs 10 times a second and it was just too painful to be enjoyable. If you can ignore that it's a pretty decent ride, but I just couldn't ignore the pain on my legs.

  • Niklas K.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    i dont thinks its 5/5 i just want that this coaster goes higher on the list because its just soo munch fun for kids ( me as well when i was a kid )

  • Niklas K.

    Primera caída Comodidad

    short coaster but long for a dive coaster ..... but come on its a DIVE COASTER

  • AJ Knee

    Tematización Situación Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    This ride is beautiful from the ground, but the experience is not great. The rattling is so intense it gave me a headache. Its such a short ride, but I see still wanted it to end more quickly to end the pain. The operations are also frustrating. The appeal of a dive is getting to experience that hang, but the operators don't allow you to choose your location at all. They built and extended queue for the front, but don't allow you to wait longer for it. They also don't allow you to choose whether you're in the middle or on a wing. So after an hour of waiting, you're stuck riding in whatever position they choose. It's disappointing and frustrating.

  • Roman S.

    Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    C'est bien à contrecœur que je lui met 0,5 étoiles, ne pouvant mettre moins. Imaginez l'enfer, maintenant donnez lui la forme d'un tracé de roller coaster et vous avez goudurix. Un jour des ingénieurs se sont réunis autour d'une table, l'un d'eux s'est posé au milieu de la table et a lâché un classique, ils se sont dit "vas-y, on en fait une attraction". Ils ont donné une feuille à un gosse de 2 ans, le gosse a gribouillé dessus, ils en ont fait le layout. Alors oui c'est très beau de dehors, le tracé en jette, mais c'est tout, la seule joie qu'il me procure est celle d'en sortir en y ayant survécu. L'attraction a 7 inversions, elle doit au moins avoir deux fois plus de baffes. On devrait la renommer en Obélix tellement elle t'en donne. Je ne sais pas pourquoi le parc ne demande pas à vekoma de refaire entièrement cette attraction au propre, au vu de leur capacité actuelle et du potentielle de ce layout on pourrait avoir un vrai gros coaster au lieu d'un attrappe touriste qui sert juste à désengorger les autres files d'attente...

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes Intensidad Ejectors

    Voyage is intense from start to finish. The first drop is amazing for what it is, It’s the steepest drop on a wooden coaster at 66° and airtime is amazing in the back row, now in the front row it’s like you are manning a runaway locomotive giving massive positive g’s. Voyage is aggressive and it's one wild ride, where this ride shines most is with it's pacing it's like your Speeding through bank turns and airtime hills it seems like the ride never ends. Then a 107ft camelback gives great floater and the second hill that stands 100ft has a twist at the top so you get floater and laterals. The third hill drops into one of the 7 tunnels you’ll counter during your 2:45 minute ride of madness. Now the spaghetti bowl was pure chaos the train felt completely out of control multiple 90° turns followed by another tunnel, then bank to the left bank to the right into a bunny hill with just pure speed and reckless abandonment you’ll get violently ejector airtime followed by elite negative G-forces ejector airtime throughout the whole ride. The speed and that layout makes the ride even more Forceful on the return run it’s like an out and back on steroids, Voyage somehow makes the last third of its layout the wildest part of the ride! The speed the extremeness of the forces are insane wow what a wild ride this is, it will leave you out of breath it’s my favorite wood coaster of all time now we must go through all that again in complete darkness. Night rides are so great and it won’t matter where you sit because every row will be madness at night when you can’t see anything and your hauling ass being thrown around for 6,442.0 ft of track in complete darkness. So you can’t see any of the transitions or changes of the direction you're at the mercy of this runaway train, taking that triple down at night in pitch-black darkness through that loud tunnel on your way back to the station its all incredible and kind of scary at night. can’t wait to get back. 10/10

  • Stormin Norman

    Tematización Lap Bar Confiabilidad

    Alpha seems a little jerky it's not aggressive at all and that's what I look for in most of my roller-coasters but theming is great and it's a blast to ride

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes Launch Ejectors Confiabilidad

    I only got to ride Top Thrill 2 twice back in May so I feel like I can compare it to dragster and TT2 is better in every way. The seats sit up much higher so when your going over the top hat it feels way different believe me. And the 420ft spike you get launched into at 100mph going backwards is probably the best part of the whole ride. I really wish I could've rode it more but maybe next year...

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes Primera caída Tiempo muerto

    Gatekeeper was my first wing- coaster so I was instantly in love, but now I've been on more wing coasters and better wing coaster but Gatekeeper is still so smooth and the near misses are still incredible I'll always love Gatekeeper