• B West

    Duración Confiabilidad

    Not my finest +1. Had to ask an op to come over and unlock the ride for me. Sent me around 10+ times as punishment.

  • Ethan Jones

    Primera caída Obra maestra Intensidad Capacidad Confiabilidad

    This ride is amazing. It was probably the craziest thing I have ever done. The only bad part is that is bangs your legs on the seat and they were only running one train when I went. Other than that, I rank this my number three, just behind iron gwazi and velocicoaster

  • Andrew V.

    Fun Ejectors Vibración

    It made my head hurt afterwards :(

  • Nicolas Crépin

    Airtimes Launch Intensidad Demasiado corto Arnés Incomodidad

    Anubis souffle le chaud et le froid avec une première partie folle comprenant le launch d'une puissance que je n'ai pas encore trouvé ailleurs, une entrée du top hat très intense et avec un bel ejector au sommet, suivi d'un agréable enchaînement dive loop, immelmann mais une fois passé les mid-brake on a un gros temps mort jusqu'à l'heartline roll qui offre de l'hangtime complètement ruiné par ces gros harnais désagréables Il est né dans un temps où les lap bars modernes qui nous offrent la liberté étaient encore assez rares et on ressent son âge uniquement par ce point, peu de vibrations sont à noter et tant mieux

  • Rachel P.

    Airtimes Fun

    Used to be rougher than the left but is equally smooth with the latest retrack. Nice when they actually run it!

  • Ludovic Moulinier

    Une accélération à couper le souffle, des changements de direction imprévisible.

  • Rachel P.

    Airtimes Fun

    With the retrack Racer 75 is a joy! Yesterday they were even running both sides (though one side only had one car so not every run was a race). Left is the side that's usually open and used to be significantly less rough but they seem pretty even now. I love riding in front but the back is also a good time. I do feel like it's a little hard to get the lap bar just where I want it (usually it's either too tight or a little too loose for comfort).

  • Rachel P.

    Airtimes Fun

    With the latest retracking work, Grizzly is running mostly smooth (the main rattle is in a slow turnaround) and intense. Remains one of my favorite coasters in the park and is an excellent night ride! I like riding in the front.

  • Jesper Otten

    Primera caída Capacidad

    I can't complain about the coasters since it is made for children. It is nice to ride.

  • Jesper Otten

    Airtimes Primera caída Obra maestra

    Untamed is my most favorite attraction of Walibi Holland and my second favorite attraction overall. The first drop is amazing, the airtime is great, a lot of inversions and the duration is nice. The only con is that it takes long for the wagons to launch.