• Adrien Benard

    Intensidad Suavidad Arnés

    J’ai adoré mais très bourin et intense je préfère le côté aérien de Untamed

  • Quentin S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Torta Tematización Arnés

    Un dark ride plutôt drôle, assez intense ce qui est plutôt intéressant par contre c'est moche à l'intérieur faut rénover je pense..

  • Quentin S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Comodidad Fun Tematización Tiempo muerto

    N'étant pas un passionné des wilds mouses, je suis agréablement surpris du confort dans ce manège. Juste pour ça, je le note bien sinon pas de très grand intérêt c'est juste fun.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Primera caída Inversiones Intensidad Tiempo muerto

    This was a fair amount better than the Superman clone at Sfgadv but not really for the terrain. The terrain aspect is cool but because of the shorter train this just felt faster and more intense and whipped through the layout better. The drop is fun in the back, the pretzel loop is pretty insane, the overbank and final inversion are good but the helix is still kinda eh. Overall a fun flyer but I still prefer the Flying Dutchmans.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Primera caída Inversiones Tiempo muerto

    Honestly this feels pretty similar to the Sfog clone but without the intensity in those overbanks. It’s got that great drop and pretzel loop but essentially dies after that.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Fun Intensidad Duración

    This is a crazy long ride and probably has to be one of the best alpine coasters out there. This has like 5 lift hills and a ton of really great fast turns throughout the mountain side and the trees. Also this adds in some cool theming and props throughout as a unique bonus for an alpine coaster and each section gets better and better until that insane final helix which gives deadly laterals at full speed with just a seatbelt.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch

    This was actually a super fun indoor premier coaster. All the super realistic and well done mummy theming is incredible and definitely up to the Universal standard and there are some awesome backwards sections, launches as well as some good airtime moments and intense tight turns. It’s a really long ride and the way the story just continually flows between dark ride and coaster section is flawless. Definitely my favorite indoor coaster.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors Tiempo muerto

    This is a really….weird ride. The launch is pretty decent but nothing too great but the top hat with room in the back is genuinely kind of insane. Some nice positives coming into and out of it and some shocking ejector over the top. I was able to get like way too much room on this so the airtime was just crazy. The rest of the ride features a zero g roll which is pretty good as well as a weird and pretty pointless cutback/overbank type thing. The mcbr drop is another ridiculous ejector moment in the back with or without room and the valley off of it is like oddly tight and forceful. The ride pretty much dies after the corkscrew but the airtime alone makes this actually a lot of fun.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversiones Intensidad Suavidad Tiempo muerto Layout

    Great Bear is a very unique invert but not necessarily in the best way. The 4 inversions are all really solid and the zero g roll is one of my favorites and its definitely a forceful coaster but is plagued by dead spots. The helix coming off the predrop is pretty cool but wasn't very intense on my last ride and the drop is pretty pointless and dumb. The terrain and interaction with Sooperdooperlooper also makes for a weird ending with several straight sections and slow turns into the brake run that basically feel like a straight section. A fun coaster but definitely flawed.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Intensidad Tiempo muerto

    Wildcat has a decent layout for the first gci and the rough patches are cushioned by those amazing older millennium flyers. Not a lot of airtime and quite a few dull slower moments but still a fun woodie.